Who cares?   Virginia, United States
"I think hatred is wasted energy, and it's all non-productive."
I tend to play older games- not because I necessarily hate new ones, but because there's plenty of oldies to choose from.
Also helps, since my PC is a bit... iffy.

Glaidy 28 lutego 2024 o 21:21 
he cool
Zeon 28 listopada 2021 o 13:33 
COwOck and baww towtUwUre (CBT), penis towtuwuwe or ♥♥♥♥ tOwOwtUwUwe is a sexuwual activity invowowving appwication of pain or cowonstwictiowon tOwO the penis ow testicwes. This may invowve diwectwy painful activities, suwuch as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genital spanking, squeezing, baww-busting, genitaw fwOwOgging, UwUrethral play, tickwe towture, ewotic ewectwOwOstimuwatiOwOn, kneeing ow kicking UwU. The wecipient of sUwUch activities may weceive diwect physical pweasure via masOwOchism, ow emOwOtiOwOnal pweasure thwough ewotic humiwiation, ow knowledge that the pway is pweasing tOwO a sadistic dOwOminant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks UwU.
Borry 16 lipca 2021 o 16:03 
Vaporeon moment.
EspressoKitsune 15 lipca 2021 o 20:02 
did you know, that in terms of male human and female pokemon...
Phoenixfox 21 czerwca 2021 o 17:04 
among us