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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 16.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jul, 2020 @ 9:16pm
Updated: 22 May @ 9:29pm

I'm a big fan of psychological horror, All though this game isn't the most scary game I have ever played it is still pretty stressful. Games try to depict an overwhelming odds stacked against the player, This is mostly done with difficulty like in dark souls or furi. This game manages to do it with imagery and the thought of permadeath but it doesn't make you feel entirely helpless. It also helps you along the way with helpful abilities. It also has an auto difficulty setting, I don't know how that helped in my play though but I felt that it wasn't too easy and wasn't too hard. Overall if your a fan of psychological horror I suggest you give it a try. I haven't played through the entire thing but I'm pretty close to the end. I still really suggest it from what I played

ps: xbox please don't shoot down ninja theory the first hell blade was really good. I'll buy the second game eventually but its not really that fun to play on the steam deck so I've heard. just give me time. please don't one tap ninja theory
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