Mr. Garvan-dangles
Hazen Jackson   Canada
the one, the only, Mr. Dangles.

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deputydonger47 27 OCT a las 4:36 p. m. 
one of the worst "good" hunters i've ever played with. sat in a bush sniping so long he had to replenish his ammo with a crate he brought in to ensure he could bush camp extra long...
Bynairee Koad 18 ABR a las 8:05 p. m. 
GGs :hunter0:
JGlitch 24 MAR a las 2:02 a. m. 
I had no weapons so I yoinked yours sorry for that. Glad you got out.
But here's a funny thing.. Five seconds after killing you, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crashed, so if you went thowards the bridge you could've gotten me while I was struggling to re-connect LOL
Mr. Garvan-dangles 4 ENE a las 4:53 a. m. 
aaah man this dude says i have high ping smh. just take the loss on the chin like a good soy boy. GG ether way
Bludru 26 DIC 2023 a las 8:25 p. m. 
High ping player.... trash
Awdee 19 DIC 2023 a las 5:21 p. m. 
GGs, nah. I got 1 of the 3. rampaged but then died in a stupid spot. didnt care to rez any longer.