過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 14 / 45(31%)項成就:


解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:44

Felix Lupercalia

See the whole Lupercalia parade.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 11:51


Lift a spell at the teahouse.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 11:30

High Magician

Excel in high magic.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:45

Invisible College

Join a secret society.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 11:42

Lost and Found

解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 11:32

Mob Mentality

Invest in the family business.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:26

Riveder le Stelle

Escape the liminalia of Larkspur.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:39

Supernatural Sleuth

Solve a mundane whodunnit via magical means.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 11:30


See Qarnaim live, never recover.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 上午 10:02

Spirit Communicator

Excel in spirit contact.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:45


Excel in wildcraft.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:45

Win at Adulting

Be a fiscally responsible grownup capable of financing all of your summer expenses unaided.
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:47

Thrice Happy State

You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!
解鎖於 1 月 4 日 下午 12:47

Academic Programming

Attend an academic presentation outside of school!?


Oh no.

Charmed, I'm Sure

Relax. Everything is perfectly A-OK.


Reach every ending of Witchcraft U.!

Drifting and Walls Keep Shifting

Make your way through a mirror maze.


Successfully thwart Luka's plans.

Get Out of Jail Free

Breathe free air again.

A Ghost in the Wings

Catch a glimpse between the lines, between the letters.

He Used to Be a Bird, You Know

Look at him peacocking all over that stage.


Ameles potamos.

Library Defender

Ensure the timely return of library materials.


How high can you rise in the ranks at Of Tempests & Teapots? (Do you want to?)

Not a Scarecrow

Meet the only other person in this world.

Ouija? I Hardly Know Ye

What fearful message does the accursed instrument have for you?

Persona Non Grata

Get blacklisted from working downtown.

Popularity Contestant

Maintain a great relationship with all of your peers.

Semibarbarous Zone

Learn a thing or two from a hidden librarian.


Excel in thaumaturgy.

They're Good for Your Heart

Why does your family stock so many beans?

True Name

Learn "Virgil"'s real name.

Welcome to the Department of Foreshadowing

Divination can be accurate, timely, and coherent, but never all at once.


Excel in all four tracks of Magical Studies.

剩 9 項隱藏成就
