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❤R.B.Q-2012❤ 20 Aug, 2023 @ 6:34pm 
         ,-、         ,.-、
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Mabel💜 23 Dec, 2017 @ 9:10pm 
:symnote:Merry Christmas:symnote:
:Bsha_VII::SYMSheart:Have a nice Christmas:SYMSheart::Adult_Neptune:
, ∩  ∩ 
 い_cノ  / ̄>O
`c/・ ・っ (ニニニ) 田
(〇 。) (・ω・`)田田
O┳Oノ)=[ ̄てノ ̄ ̄ ̄]
◎┻し◎ ◎――――◎=3
Mabel💜 16 Nov, 2017 @ 9:56pm 
:SYMSheart::Bsha_VII::FredericNote:I pray for a happy and pleasant and wonderful weekend:FredericNote::Ksha_VII::SYMSheart:
。.∧ ∧
o⌒⌒o γ´⌒v⌒ヽ
。\/ 。( /// :Heartyou: /////.)
 γ´⌒v⌒ヽ.//。/ ∧ ∧
 (////:SYMSheart: ///// )/ (^^〃)
 .\ //////./゙  o⌒⌒o
   \/.    ゙.\/
Mabel💜 10 Nov, 2017 @ 3:48am 
:FredericNote: pray for an exciting and wonderfully healthy weekend:FredericNote:
/⌒ヽ   /⌒\
ヽ/     \_.ノ
./   _   ヽ
|  へ/ ● \へ |
ヽ ¨( 人 )¨ ノ
  〇 ⌒V⌒ 〇
  .|\ love /|
  .|  \/ |
Mabel💜 20 Oct, 2017 @ 1:07am 
:Bsha_VII::Heartyou:☆I pray for you to have a wonderfully fun and safe weekend☆:Heartyou::Adult_Neptune:
  ( つ(\
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) ____ ・_つ
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Mabel💜 12 Oct, 2017 @ 11:27pm 
I wish you a happy and healthy weekend Nya~:jhheart::Adult_Neptune:
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