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投稿日: 2023年12月21日 10時24分
更新日: 2023年12月21日 10時25分

An amazing game . Quite the experience. Like plenty of people said before, this game is hard, and very punishing. But one thing i can ceirtanly correct is the misconception that the odds are stacked against you . They are not. The enemy A.I is just as unlucky as you are . In this game, nobody is forgiven . Because we are all the playthings of the gods (actually cannon),and rather then see their followers win, they like to gamble. Of course, any real difficulty outside of the story missions is mostly removed if you level up your warband the right way and play it safe.Even if your guy misses like 4 hits on a 75% chance in rapid succesion, if they aren't all alone they will still prevail.

On an ending note, the only gripe i'd have with the game is that it doesn't have a sequel or more DLCS . Because as of now, no other game does what Mordheim does.
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