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Schokohuetchen legutóbbi értékelései

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13.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (12.5 óra az értékeléskor)
I knew Skyrim before I started playing ESO so my first thought had been "Where am I gonna find the dragons?". Hint: I still haven't found them :D. The gameplay is not as similar as I thought it would be which is not a bad thing but simply a warning to those who are also more familiar with other games of the series. Still love ESO but it takes some getting used to after Skyrim.
Közzétéve: 2023. január 1.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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74.4 óra a nyilvántartásban
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
If Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley had a baby and moved to Australia, that baby would be Dinkum. It's early access so some things might not work perfectly but I have yet to find a bug that has prevented me from playing so it's all good from my point of view. I also feel like the game has received some great fixes and new features over the past months. Though I would love the opportunity to turn off the fact that some animals are aggressive and will attack you on sight. It kind of makes discovering my island (the mines in particular!) very stressful and the crocs also sometimes spawn in the middle of my village and end up "guarding" at least one store entrance. I gotta admit that I started to use a mod that takes care of this and it makes me think that I'm not the only user who would love to live on a more peaceful island. :)
Közzétéve: 2023. január 1.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
76.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (15.7 óra az értékeléskor)
I've made the mistake to buy this game during the 2022 winter sale and now I have to quit my job because I cannot stop playing. Highly addictive and the perfect game if you enjoy open-world games like Elder Scrolls but do not like being being thrown into combat out of the blue. You do get attacked but the round-based nature of the game allows for a more tactic instead of hectic approach. It has a story mode which is perfect if you just want to enjoy the game without constantly being frustrated about loosing fights. It helps if you have played RPG before (on- or offline) but I the tutorials should make it easy enough to get started as a total noob to the genre.
Közzétéve: 2023. január 1.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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