MR.M agent delta 87
[ a bit of in information about me ] im in gmod lot usesing peoples mods to have big wars and i just want to
be checking out peoples mods and giveing them good or bad criticism about the mod telling how they can make it better. two of my favorite mods is the lord of rings snpc i think of these mods as two of the best mods on steam but i dont just play gmod i play ather games such as to play left 4 dead 2 and left 4 dead 1 and i play halo wars to some times or i play tf2 more of time now its fun and i some times i just watch youtube i also support Israel and if you hate me for that thats fine by me just block me then. i also support Ukraine to beat Russia and win the war if you hate me for that as well block me have good day or night depending on time of day it is when you read this :D
Online just nu
Marcus why did you bring your girl friend to our family home / says adam fenix / / says Marcus / aa i dont know dad.
MR.M agent delta 87 28 mar, 2024 @ 18:41 
good night