Divine Monkey King 5 ago 2021, ore 10:17 
Must be a fat poop then, my sincerest apologies. OOH OOH AHH AHH!
FEAR 3 ago 2021, ore 2:28 
-rep that dc'd
lavenderuwu/TTV 3 ago 2021, ore 2:28 
-rep it dced..
Divine Monkey King 20 lug 2021, ore 17:50 
Kills themselves on FIRST HOOK (also first hook of the WHOLE game) on TEMPLE OF PURGATION with 3 gens left against a Blight. If you see this person in your lobby, just dodge, this isn't the first time they've done something like this.
nobody_at_all 15 lug 2021, ore 19:08 
Awful teammate at DBD, sad
Look What I Can Do ㋛ 17 giu 2021, ore 2:37 
We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. Would like to talk to you about lowering your payments by 50%. Please contact me back at 301-777-1600. Thank You: Nancy