Felix   Germany
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🛀🏿 Oaklee 👩🏽‍🦰 14. juli 2020 kl. 2.55 
🎁🌏🌳 Performance review for E!nfachFEL!X 💃🚘🚙

E!nfachFEL!X always gets on with the job after being given clear parameters. Generally able to come up with they own ideas when help is not available, but may be still lacking the self-confidence to trust own judgment. One or two minor errors have been spotted in work presented in the current period, not putting the business at risk, but which could have been prevented if the facts and figures had been properly checked. E!nfachFEL!X has outstanding artistic or craft skills, bringing creativity and originality to the task. Able to concentrate and stay focused for short periods of up to an hour but tends to drift after this if not presented with a new task.

🏀 + 📀 = 🎫
redfire. 30. mai 2018 kl. 15.23 
rocket league profi omg
Mimi 28. mai 2018 kl. 9.17 
Marinade 1. mai 2018 kl. 9.47