Mezijind 13.10. klo 12.18 
+rep inspiring player
Terrab1t 2.8. klo 2.59 
sugi cariciu koala
Shivana 24.7. klo 7.06 
✅➕REP from RUSSIA➕✅ I kinda liked your profile and thought we could be friends :3
Hilli 21.7. klo 8.52 
+rep, played together, if u wanna u can add me)
Cerelak 20.7. klo 11.05 
nice 3k
Buzariel 18.7. klo 8.46 
Cool profile pic!
Mikazahn 10.7. klo 9.20 
Lets play one more round?
фокс 27.6. klo 7.47 
прими го трейд
любима 16.6. klo 21.55 
прими го трейд
Pureterror 10.6. klo 9.20 
Next match, our victory awaits.
Julix |-_-| 29.4. klo 10.33 
+rep, good teammate
76561199261324194 9.4. klo 13.45 
dodaj prosze, mam pytanie
Nalmezar 23.3. klo 10.20 
good mate
ICe CHRLS B. 23.3. klo 3.19 
hey, add me please!:)
76561199024968752 22.3. klo 3.59 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Sunshine 20.3. klo 12.52 

♥𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚♥
Polina 20.3. klo 6.08 
let me say my offer
Grakelv 9.3. klo 7.41 
Nice profile
76561199172516514 8.10.2023 klo 14.41 
+rep pretty good player
︻芫==一一 ❤ aMiDu 18.7.2023 klo 13.38 
+rep boss de boss
One Tap Man 23.6.2023 klo 13.20 
jEsse 20.2.2023 klo 14.02 
76561199179314211 15.2.2023 klo 19.59 
Hi, please add screenshots, I'm not asking for a lot of skins myself, I'm adding because I'm expanding my list of friends so that I can play later in the future :)))
Styaami 15.2.2023 klo 10.44 
huesos s awp
76561199406451465 5.2.2023 klo 1.49 
signed by me
Yozshugul 30.7.2022 klo 8.13 
signed by me, lets play csgo :)
Brotocel 22.4.2022 klo 16.50 
prieten bun +++rep
Salvatore 7.1.2022 klo 7.41 
[ Predau lectii de CS:GO la preturi acceptabile, se accepta: droguri ( doar cantitati mari ), bautura ( doar Krug Rose si Moet ). Cursul va cuprinde o gama larga de tactici ♥♥♥ ar fi:
-♥♥♥ sa faci spray cu deagle;
-sa impresionezi domn'soarele cu p90u';
-bulanul intentionat;
-dezamorsarea bombei cu smoke-ul, uneori te pierzi prin el si nu mai gasesti bomba, insa nu-i stres;
-aruncare cu efect a flash-ului, uneori nici tu nu-l vezi unde se duce, ba chiar il IEI SI TU ;
-tragerea cu awp in functie de conditiile meteo, in caz de furtuna poti doar sa te rogi la zei;
Tot aici vei invata:
-incurajari in rusa ♥♥♥ ar fi cyka blyat, idi nahui, kurwa si multe altele;
-sa dai tot timpul vina pe restul colegilor;
-cand mori, incepi sa scoti sunete feroce care o sa-i sperie pe coechipieri si sigur meciul este ca si castigat...
+ Multe alte secrete.
La sfarsitul cursului vei fi certificat din start ca un Global Elite !
m4rc 2.6.2021 klo 5.05 
───▄▄██▌█ +REP + REP + REP +REP + REP + REP █
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█+ REP + REP + REP+ REP + REP + REP █
tungeai 8.4.2021 klo 1.08 
+rep fa globalu odata
Salvatore 25.2.2021 klo 2.37 
_Grogu_ 15.1.2021 klo 22.56 
bun baiat))
MC 16.11.2020 klo 8.46 
⭕⃤ Alex 31.5.2020 klo 16.29 
.::7urbo::. 31.5.2020 klo 16.29 
TBK 21.3.2020 klo 10.19 
+rep gr8 teammate
maxim 20.2.2020 klo 6.13 
+rep good player:)
THE BOSS 31.3.2018 klo 8.09 
PhoeniX 9.3.2018 klo 14.32 
ddd 9.3.2018 klo 14.30 
☻SM!LE☻ 3.2.2018 klo 9.21 
+rep n guy
3l3ctroz.❤ 2.2.2018 klo 12.12 
rhapaaa 31.8.2017 klo 12.21 
+rep good player
शीतलप्रधा 30.8.2017 klo 15.55 
bobitza 69 sugi 14.6.2017 klo 3.21 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥ camping in t spawn the whole round
armagedaa-CRACKBOI 30.8.2016 klo 7.19 
+rep best ♥♥♥♥♥ in the word :steammocking::steammocking: