Charlie (Fun Times)
Retired from the gaming industry. (The name, 'drunkenFooL' does not actually represent my persona, but I use it because it is an opposite).

Still active in some aspects of the gaming industry.

For example, Quake Champions (beta tester (bt) and early access player (eap) - yes, there is a Quake game), Diabotical (bt & eap) and their corresponding communities - forums, tournaments and playing online.
No longer a hard core gamer (too old), but do play for fun now. Fun Times.

Note to other older gamers: Learn To Adapt. Stop living in the past. (you know - "1999 called; wants to know when you will grow up"). Embrace the new worlds of online gaming, the hardware, the games and the dynamic attitude that is part of being here. Nostalgia is fine for a temporary escape - but get with the times man.

Sidenote #1: Dudes and Dudettes - accept that the gaming world does change. It is ironic and sad that trolls (er, i mean 'trollies') stay living in the past and cannot move on. (Their safe zone?)

Sidenote #2: trollies = hypocrites (think about it)

Sidenote #3: trollies = obsessively compulsive posters. Makes them feel 'relevant' in the online world - because they are irrelevant IRL? (hmmm... Sidenote #2)

Hey - nice to see 'Jehar' and 'demonSphere' (both Q2 players who ARE relevant) being reasonably active in Quake Champions. Thanks man.
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