United States
Вітрина знімків екрана
Вітрина найрідкісніших досягнень
Остання активність
17,6 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 3 листоп.
605 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 3 листоп.
450 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 1 листоп.
Introverted Pizza 12 черв. о 8:27 
Enjoy your ban, well deserved.
tonni 17 черв. 2023 о 5:30 
why did u get banned?
chocolate donut 5 черв. 2023 о 22:40 
Since I'm several days late to respond (I couldn't reply sooner because I couldn't get on Steam) I'll just leave the comment here on your profile. My comment on Bun's profile was not actually about your thread, it was about a completely different thread. Just the usual OT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that's actually misogynist.

But that said I did take a look at the profile you linked me to and it was pretty amusing to look through. Steam forums are just sad lately, and for the record I don't disagree about the amount of simps. There's a bunch of obsessive incels and simps stalking the people with hearts in their names which is a little sad when you consider you know nothing else about these people. All the while, making threads talking about how women are all unfunny sluts and incel ♥♥♥♥ like that. Then they wonder why they're single and lonely. As I'm typing this I'm realizing just how much of a dumpster fire the Steam forums have become and I'm probably going to finally abandon them completely.
Cerisu ❤ 30 трав. 2023 о 4:26 
Hiya, long time no see. How are you holding up after your absence?
Good Night Owl 11 трав. 2023 о 16:36 
Thanks, man!
ZAP 27 квіт. 2023 о 14:57 
Thank you. Enjoy life and live it for yourself.