Cap'n Jack Sparrow
Jamie Horwood   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Single, currently a Customer Support Assistant at Sainsburys retail convenience store. Previous Education in IT - Networking Academy graduate, Cisco, HP, IT Essentials. Computer Service Engineer. Big Interests - with computer & console gaming, Tech, gadgets, science, r/c toys, car enthusiast (in games and real life generally) Hi Fi sound and Music lover. Into all Sciences. Aficianado in all of the above. Favourite foods. Pizza & Fries, Chiken, veg, yorks pudding, mash & gravy, Beef, veg, yorks pudding, mash & gravy, Spaghetti Bolognese, Lasagne, Meat and potato pie Sugar Ring Donuts, Oatmeal & Raisin cookies, Rivolis Chocolate Fudge Cake.