Pixel-Art / Jrpg / Tactics Ogre LUCT Lover
Attività recente
49 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 24 nov
1,7 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 19 nov
30 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 14 nov
Achievement   24 di 43
Beastly_Zero 23 feb 2016, ore 1:14 
the name of the order:
Watch Dogs Central/South America Steam Gift
Beastly_Zero 23 feb 2016, ore 1:13 
this is my order number:
Akay 22 feb 2016, ore 19:02 
Hey there, I saw that the game sold on Kinguin but it didn't tell me who won or what the next steps were - it's my first time using the site. Please message me with the order number when you're online and I'll send it over.