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Mr. Feus 28 avr. 2020 à 12h30 
ah motez the protector of ol' the knight loyalty and the scholar of wisdom tyrant to all those who dare spite him. He rules with an iron fist and protects the innocent +rep my lord, +rep
Mr. Feus 26 déc. 2019 à 15h39 
/フフ        ム`ヽ
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/ |  ( ° ʖ °)ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ
/ ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \ /
丶_ ノ 。   ノ、 。|/
   `ヽ `ー-'_人`ーノ
    丶  ̄ _人'彡ノ
CheeseCake 64 9 juil. 2019 à 9h50 
you want some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ naplam woooooooooo