Tokora 19.11. klo 9.03 
+rep let's play together✊
nachtvertraut 23.10. klo 13.08 
pretty toxic player - but not really good though.
Mausar 5.10. klo 12.07 
true game savant
Monius 27.8. klo 12.06 
great game
Sadisticc 22.7. klo 13.57 
-rep toxic polish trash
Farsanbaloo *********** 21.7. klo 13.33 
-rep toxic polish trash
Kirira 9.7. klo 9.04 
Game night? Count me in!
Faejin 2.7. klo 11.02 
Want to play?
⪓ ETHANZ ⪔ 27.6. klo 19.13 
+rep pretty good player
бум 21.6. klo 9.06 
прими го трейд
Aramsamsam Gulli Gulli 30.5. klo 6.46 
-rep poland
Aramsamsam Gulli Gulli 30.5. klo 6.46 
-rep noob
м у т а н т 18.4. klo 4.55 
прими го трейд
Pes 14.3. klo 4.29 
kurwa polska
go scatter the grain on the border
любима и люблю 28.2. klo 14.57 
прими го трейд
76561199259960996 Vaihtokiellossa 7.2. klo 14.24 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj prosze
mam pytanie
czechu 30.1. klo 13.04 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
Afro 30.1. klo 7.42 
Good Player rastaclat
no way ay 13.1. klo 7.09 
bad player, rastaclat
magicsboy 13.1. klo 7.02 
To all my fans, please be objective and pleasant in comments :D
❤VERONIKA❤ 13.1. klo 4.18 
+rep Great Player 💛
The HappyBoY 4.1. klo 15.26 
trash wh
76561199261324194 1.12.2023 klo 7.11 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
76561199097355884 18.11.2023 klo 10.22 
+rep man
76561199262285148 Vaihtokiellossa 29.10.2023 klo 6.05 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
76561199404994688 1.10.2023 klo 10.27 
nice man in cs2) +rep
John Wick 16.9.2023 klo 4.44 
professional player ahahyhahahahahaha
your mom suck Ukraines ♥♥♥♥ when you playing CS 2 like ♥♥♥♥ lowskill player
76561199511181904 27.8.2023 klo 14.50 
+rep) nice bro)
76561199259840903 25.8.2023 klo 9.52 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
rockstar 9.7.2023 klo 14.29 
check trade bro
Jabull89 1.7.2023 klo 2.10 
+rep add me pls^^
S?ylerEnd 14.6.2023 klo 3.13 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Skylar 13.6.2023 klo 16.34 
have a nice offer, added
76561199098061650 11.6.2023 klo 12.09 
signed :) lets play party csgo
happy 7.6.2023 klo 10.50 

♥𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚♥
rizis 4.6.2023 klo 4.57 
+rep goos player
76561199260954562 3.6.2023 klo 3.40 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
76561199261595106 26.3.2023 klo 5.54 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
mejster95 4.3.2023 klo 11.44 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
76561199028809798 Vaihtokiellossa 8.1.2023 klo 15.54 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
ISSAI 20.12.2022 klo 7.50 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
PabloCuros ******* Vaihtokiellossa 22.10.2022 klo 7.59 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
تخدير⛧ 31.8.2022 klo 9.33 
so gorgeous profile just look at it! +rep king player btw
76561199013341529 Vaihtokiellossa 21.8.2022 klo 17.01 
+rep, czesc, dodaj do znaj, mam sprawe
Yggdrasil_THC 9.2.2022 klo 9.10 
PuZ$3R 5.9.2021 klo 4.07 
aim hacker
Afro 2.5.2021 klo 8.29 
rep+ nice profile
kasprzyk 2.5.2021 klo 7.09 
very nice titties you have darling
szczurson 2.5.2021 klo 7.01 
+rep great aim(bot)
no way ay 2.5.2021 klo 5.28 
- rep racist, says n word (nick gurr) every game