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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 59.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (58.7 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2018. jan. 11., 13:03
Frissítve: 2018. febr. 26., 18:35

Beautiful game. HOWEVER; It is a real shame that the team would fire their audio editor (?) for simply having a different set of political beliefs than they and then censoring discussions on the topic. Such a thing is very disappointing, sad, and patheric to see. The Subnautica team ought to look at Kingdom Come: Deliverance and realize nobody will stop buying your game because of one conservative on your team.

I give this game a THUMBS UP because the game is beautiful, NOT BECAUSE OF THE POLITICAL VIEWS OF THE TEAM OR VICE VERSA (Take a hint, anyone reading this, please).
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