Greetings. You're asking yourself: Is this a trap or just a dead end?
You shouldn't ask yourself such worthless questions. Aim higher. Try this: why am I here? Why do I exist, and what is my purpose in this universe?
(Answers: 'Cause you are. 'Cause you do. 'Cause I got a shotgun, and you ain't got one.)
Notably Unstable,
P.S. If things around here aren't working, it's because I'm laughing so hard.
18.6 ชม. ในบันทึก
43 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 5 พ.ย.
183 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 3 พ.ย.
NotSponsoredBy 29 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 4: 01pm 
+rep one of the fionest Dwarves I have ever known, this guy has beaten up tons of leaf lovers. a joy to drink with down at the Abyss Bar. ROCK AND STONE!
DURANDAL_SUBROUTINE_777 19 พ.ค. 2023 @ 9: 24am 
no... not yet...
NotSponsoredBy 9 ก.พ. 2023 @ 5: 06pm 
Maybe you should try getting a job