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Cool Runnings (1993) Script
Ah, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Girl, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
If I give the love
you know you won't forget
Girl, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Come on to me, baby
And take my blues away
What I need to see now
Is brighter days
I want to take away
my dark skies
Take away my tears
Take away my sufferin'
People feel for
all these years
Ah, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Girl, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
If I give the love
you know you won't forget
Girl, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Let this love light shine
Let it in your soul
Steady on forever
It's time to take control
- On your mark, get set, run!
- We don't need no darkness
We don't need no fear
We don't need no sadness
All we need is care
Don't get upset
if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset
if you have no fun
- Don't get angry
- Don't get upset
- When you wake up in the mornin'
- Hey, Derice, where you runnin', man?
- 'Cause it's a new day
- West.
- Mornin'. How are you?
Life's just begun
Ooh, yeah
Give thanks and praises
- Hey there.
- Derice!
- Yeah, man!
- Love is coming your way
Don't get upset
if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset
if you have no fun
- Don't get angry
- Don't get upset
When you wake up
in the mornin'
'Cause it's a new day
Life's just begun
Ooh, yeah
Give thanks and praises
- Morning.
- Faster, Bannock, faster!
Come on, child, you have
an Olympics to get to.
Handsome as a lion, that one.
I could watch that backside
all day.
Come on!
- Go! Come on!
- Ah, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Girl, if I give the love
you know you won't forget
Take away my sadness
Take away my tears
Hey, Sanka.
This steering wheel
is finished.
All right, team, let's get ready
for the pre-race cheer. Ready?
- Yes, sir!
- Ready?
- Yes, sir!
All right,
one, two, three, toot!
Who's the captain
of our crew?
Who's a friend to me and you?
Kind of nice, good-looking too.
Sanka! Sanka! Yea, Sanka!
Get back to work!
Who's the big hot bag of air
who doesn't have to comb his hair...
who doesn't bathe
and doesn't care?
- Sanka! Sanka! Sanka!
- Yea, Sanka! Hey!
What's happenin', star?
Where you been, man?
You almost missed my all-time world
record: seventh derby in a row.
Easy, Rasta. I'm not going to forget
my best friend on this day of days.
Derice, my grandfather says
you're definitely going to
make it to the Olympics.
He says you're even faster
than your father.
- Yeah, man, do it forJamaica!
- Hey, you know what my grandfather says?
- What?
- Get back to work!
- Booie, booie!
- What are you talkin' about?
Good luck, man. I'll see you
at the finish line, all right?
- Hi, Momma Coffie.
- Hi, Derice.
- Derice, is Sanka ready?
- Who knows?
Ready. That boy's never ready.
He's a lazy, crazy, sorry,
no-good bag of bones.
So what you laughing at?
All pushcarts
to the start position!
- Ready, little man?
- Ready, big man.
Kiss the lucky egg.
Let's go!
- On your marks...
- Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme!
Get on up!
It's pushcart time!
and go!
Here we go, Winston!
The Rockett has been launched!
Hey, fruitcake!
Where'd you get that cart?
Clear out!
Come on, move out! Look out!
Sanka Coffie,
pushcart champion!
- Pushcart champion!
- Get away! Get away!
Hey, grandma, out of my way!
Hey, Sunday driver, make room
for the Rasta Rockett! Make room!
- Sanka, four more carts left!
- Pee Wee, move! Move out!
I loveJamaica,
and Jamaica loves me!
Champion! Champion!
You can't mess with the best!
- Move over! Move over!
- Get away! Get off me!
- Go, Sanka!
- Get him! Get him!
One more cart left!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Yes! We win!
Jump, Winston, jump!
Move it, man!
Move, move, move!
Sanka, you dead?
Yeah, man.
And where do you think
you're going?
You caught me.
- You have papers to grade.
- I'm just getting in one last run.
I can't believe the trials
are finally here.
- You nervous?
- I'm not nervous.
I'm ready. I've been ready
for this day my whole life.
I don't care how fast they run,
I'm going to run faster.
I don't care how much
they want it, I want it more.
I'm going to the Olympics, baby.
I feel it.
I'm going to win the gold.
Derice, are you nervous?
I'm terrified.
It's my turn, Joy!
It's my turn!
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the final event...
of today's Olympic tryouts.
We have now come to the
main event of our games...
the running
of the 100-meter finals.
We've had a most
successful afternoon...
and I'd like to congratulate
all the athletes...
who have participated
in today's events.
- You sure no one can beat him?
- Oh, sure, I'm sure.
I'm just a little concerned
about that big baldy.
Let me first congratulate our athletes
on a splendid performance...
and let me remind them that
only the top four finishers...
will earn the right to represent
Jamaica in the forthcoming
summer games in Seoul, Korea.
Wait. Y-You're Derice Bannock,
- That's me.
- Oh. I hope I make the team.
- It would be a real honor to
run with you. Good luck to you.
- Good luck to you.
Derice Bannock.
Hey, good luck to you too.
Runners, take your marks.
Get set.!
Mr. Coolidge, please,
you have to run the race over!
I'm sorry, Derice.
Nothing can be done.
But I was born to compete
in the Olympics!
Then you're going to have to work
on your boxing or your cycling.
Those are the only other two sports
in which Jamaica competes.
I am not a boxer,
I am a runner.
And it wasn't fair.
It rarely is, my boy.
It rarely is.
Well, Papa, what do I do now?
Look, Derice, let it go, eh?
Let it go.
You'll have another chance
in four years.
Mr. Coolidge...
who is the other man in
the picture with my father?
Irving Blitzer. He's an
American who lives here.
- Unless, of course, he's
been arrested or shot.
- Excuse me?
Well, he's a bookie now.
Takes his bets in a small
pool hall just past Sandy Bay.
- Isn't that a gold medal
around his neck?
- Oh, yeah.
That lunatic was an Olympic
bobsledder who tried to get
your father to switch sports.
He had some theory about using
track sprinters to push the bobsleds.
Some ridiculous
thing like that.
Can you imagine
a Jamaican bobsledder?
And you're sure this man,
he lives on the island?
- Oh, yes.
- Mr. Coolidge, thanks a lot.
- Good, Derice.
- Oh, could I borrow this picture?
- Bring it back!
- Yes, sir. Thanks a lot, Mr. Coolidge.
- Oh, just one more thing.
- Mmm?
What's a bobsled?
That's a bobsled.
Oh. So a bobsled is
a pushcart with no wheels.
- That's what it looks like here.
- Let me see that.
All right. "The key elements
for a successful sled team...
are a steady driver
and three strong runners
to push off down the ice."
Ice? Ice?
it's kind of a
winter sport, you know.
- You mean winter, as in ice?
- Maybe.
You mean winter, as in igloos
and Eskimos and penguins and ice?
- Possibly.
- See you.
Where you going?
I'm going to take a hot bath.
I'm getting cold just thinking
about all this ice.
- No, man! You're going to be
part of my bobsled team!
- What do you need me for?
Who is the best pushcart driver
in all o'Jamaica?
- You're looking at him?
- Then you're going to do it?
Hey, man, you could be famous.
You could have your picture
on a Wheaties box.
But you said "no," and that's
all right, because I don't need you.
Everybody is going to want
to be on my bobsled team!
Look, star, let me tell you
a little something, all right?
When you need something from me, you
don't have to hand me a bunch of lines.
All you have to do is
look at me in the eye and say,
"Sanka, you are my best friend.
We been through a whole heap together
and I really, really need you."
Sanka, you're right.
And you are my best friend.
- And we've been through
a whole lot together.
- Heap. Heap.
Meaif 2 Oct @ 8:49am 
maybe we already played together
accept friend request
Bragami 21 Sep @ 12:07pm 
Let's hit some CS!
JDK 20 Sep @ 7:35pm 
really cool girl gifs :)
SneekZ 20 Sep @ 10:44am 
+reppp from Faceit
X-Tream 19 Sep @ 10:21am 
+Rep u cool dude on Faceit thanks for good game 🔥
shmeep 18 Sep @ 8:15pm 
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┃█ ur adopted. █┃
┃█ -Mom&Dad █┃
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