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Közzétéve: dec. 12., 11:28

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a brilliant and entertaining game

+Graphics(looks absolutely gorgeous)
+Gameplay(easy to learn)
+Story(the story is simple but good)
+Good Sound and Music
+Brilliant atmosphere

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart feels more like a Pixar movie, you don't even realize you're actually playing a game or watching a movie at the same time.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a well-crafted, entertaining game that keeps you hooked until the end.

Congratulations Nixxes Software for a successful port, the game works very well for me without any problems.

Insomniac Games and Sony thank you for bringing these great games to PC. And I want to see more Ratchet & Clank games on PC in the future.

10/10 Must Play! I recommend buying it at a good discount, it's worth the money even at full price

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