GhostfaceKilla: duh hallo
Duke of Ween: 10/10
GhostfaceKilla: :D
Duke of Ween: I watched the replay fam
GhostfaceKilla: lol
GhostfaceKilla: nixw
GhostfaceKilla: nice
Duke of Ween: Im just disappointed to be honest
GhostfaceKilla: imma get ban
Duke of Ween: Yeah
Duke of Ween: Hopefully
GhostfaceKilla: so it's gonna overturn always
Duke of Ween: So you gonna admit it to me now?
GhostfaceKilla: so why don't you watch and see my play every day without getting ban ^_^
GhostfaceKilla: me*
Duke of Ween: Just say it
Duke of Ween: "i cheated"
Duke of Ween: Hit me with it
GhostfaceKilla: why?
GhostfaceKilla: LOL
GhostfaceKilla: i didn't
GhostfaceKilla: LOL
Duke of Ween: lmao
GhostfaceKilla: how are you gonna expect to watch a demo and understand what cheating is
GhostfaceKilla: when you're not even good
GhostfaceKilla: LOL
GhostfaceKilla: lmao
Duke of Ween: look at rounds 11 and 12 LOL
GhostfaceKilla: it's just funny
GhostfaceKilla: how a mg2
GhostfaceKilla: would watch replay and understand what cheating even is
GhostfaceKilla: LOL
Duke of Ween: it's funny how you say im bad but hack to eagle LOL
GhostfaceKilla: Lol
GhostfaceKilla: my main is global
GhostfaceKilla: btw
GhostfaceKilla: but it's cool
Duke of Ween: Kill yourself
GhostfaceKilla: i hack to global too
GhostfaceKilla: :D
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nONG 21 febr. 2023 la 18:59 
hey man!