I am the Dwarf that likes to Build!
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5,563 Hours played
Warframe is an amazing game that knows how to create a good story and intergrate it with the game itself. The art style is mind blowing and fits with the whole aesthetic of the game.

My experience with the game has been amazing, the story and dialogue makes it so that I still play it after so many years. If you have ever played warframe in the past but consider downloading it again I'd recommend it. A lot of gameplay has improved over the years and there have been a lot of quality of life changes.

The community is helpful and friendly.

A lot of parts in the story of the game have not yet been confirmed or developed, but this doesn't matter since the community likes to speculate about it. Sometimes DE even takes ideas into consideration. This is what makes the game so great. It's a story made with the players, for the players.

Digital extremes is a company that cares about their game. They don't make it for the money. They make it because they are passionate about making their story reality!

And that is why I will continue to play this game. Because I love how it works, but also because you can see the passion the people who created it have put into the game.
No seriously. Why? Why are you looking down here? You better get your ass of that chair and hydrate yourself! You fool! You absolute bafoon! You dehydrated gremlin!

Grab a glass of water this instance!
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5,563 hrs on record
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3.2 hrs on record
last played on 11 Jan
6.4 hrs on record
last played on 8 Jan
Pumpkin Crimson 2 Aug, 2022 @ 2:05pm 
damn it empty here
Axemun 2 Aug, 2022 @ 2:05pm 
yes you are.
Pumpkin Crimson 14 Jul, 2016 @ 11:09am 
do a flip