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4.2 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Exhausted from countless battles on Steam?
Recharge in your very own Tiny Glade!
Posted 24 September.
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74.8 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
Imagine the sole female of your species residing in a different dimension!

How could you possibly resist this? XD
Posted 30 July, 2023. Last edited 30 July, 2023.
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52.0 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Octopath Traveler 2 is a great example of a well-designed turn-based JRPG. The pixel art graphics are not only stunning but also eye-catching, and the potential monotony of turn-based gameplay is wonderfully addressed with the inclusion of a 2x battle speed mode. Moreover, thanks to its classic art style, even players who aren't fond of suggestive anime visuals can fully enjoy the game without any discomfort.

It is true that there is little connection between each character's narrative and only simple interactions exist, which may disappoint some players. However, since the individual character stories are still captivating and forming a team with them offers a sense of catharsis, I do not see this as a flaw that ruins the gaming experience.

Overall, I would recommend this game even to those who aren't fans of turn-based JRPGs. If you're not convinced to buy this game, I suggest trying the demo first. You definitely won't regret it!
Posted 5 March, 2023. Last edited 7 March, 2023.
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5.7 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Scary moments break out continuously, not allowing a single loading screen between them.

The combat is still brutal as the original yet venturing through the USG Ishimura became more suffocating.

Right now, my hands are all sweaty.

What more could I ask for from a well-made horror sci-fi game like this? Yeah, definitely sequels!

별도의 로딩이 존재하지 않는 덕분에 끊임없이 공포의 순간과 맞닥뜨리는 플레이가 가능한 게임.

전투는 여전히 잔혹하지만 폐허가 된 이시무라 호 탐험은 이전보다 훨씬 더 숨 막히게 느껴진다.

플레이하는 지금도 손바닥이 흥건할 정도.

이렇게 잘 만든 호러 SF 게임에 뭘 더 바랄게 있냐고 묻는다면? 당연히 속편!
Posted 3 February, 2023. Last edited 3 February, 2023.
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65 people found this review helpful
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23.9 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to be released is a pain.

And this game works like a painkiller!
Posted 19 November, 2022.
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7.9 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
It took me over a decade to say I got a new favorite 3D Sonic game ever since the release of Sonic Generations.

And yeah, Sonic Frontiers is that good!

If you are willing to take a new experimental adventure as a Sonic fan, trust me, you are good to go with this game!
Posted 9 November, 2022. Last edited 10 November, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Newly added items make it easier to plant crops, some of which even do this automatically!

If you're eager to focus on combat rather than farming sim, I'd say this DLC might be for you.

By the way, you can now propose to Deervil.

However, you need to steel yourself to marry her because, as you saw in the trailer, it will lead you to quite an unexpected result from ordinary marriages!

Take your time. See what happens in nuclear winter. A fresh new experience is waiting for you!

새롭게 추가된 아이템 덕분에 농작물 심기가 수월해진데다, 일부 아이템은 알아서 농작물을 심어주기까지 한다!

농사 짓기보다는 전투에 더 집중하고픈 유저들에게 제격인 DLC라 할 수 있는 것.

게다가 NPC로만 등장했던 사슴에게도 청혼이 가능해졌다는거.

하지만 트레일러에서 보여주듯 이전과는 차원이 다른 결혼 생활과 마주하게 되므로 마음 단단히 먹는게 좋을 것이다!

방사능 겨울 시즌이 될 때까지 지켜봐주시길. 색다른 경험을 하게 될테니!
Posted 28 October, 2022. Last edited 28 October, 2022.
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60.4 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
As a cult leader, you feed them, guide them, marry them, and encourage them to eat bowls of poop.

The most heart-warming game ever on Steam!
Posted 13 August, 2022. Last edited 14 August, 2022.
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76 people found this review helpful
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7.9 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
It's totally my type of game!

Ever since my first B&B experience in the US, I used to imagine running my own B&B resort. However, as you see, not many games are dealing with B&B management in Steam, and because of this, Bear and Breakfast does feel like a hidden treasure to me.

The one thing I loved the most is that the player is a wild bear that knows nothing much about humans. It's so fun to see how the bear builds and manages his resorts by reinterpreting every single behavior of people in a hilarious way.

As a management game, the management part itself indeed has no depth compared to other similar games, but I think it's ok since the game focuses on not only simulation, but a relaxing and humorous atmosphere and adventure. In fact, as a story-rich adventure game, it was quite satisfying as the story was engaging enough and most characters I've met felt memorable.

The only thing I feel stressed about this game is that I have to wait until the night comes to skip to the next day even though I have nothing to do after clearing all quests during the day times. The good news is that it seems the dev guys will fix this soon because they are actively getting feedback from users!

Right now, the game definitely has some issues, but at the same time, I'm convinced it's highly recommendable even with the current state. Unless you're looking for a hardcore tycoon/simulation game, I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it too as a management game lover.

Just try it and let's see what happens!

내 취향을 완전 저격해버린 게임.

미국에서 처음으로 B&B라는 걸 접한 이후로, 줄곧 나만의 B&B 리조트를 운영하는 상상을 하곤 했는데 이를 대리만족시켜줄 만한 게임이 없던 탓인지 이 게임은 정말이지 숨겨진 보물처럼 느껴졌다.

특히 플레이어가 인간에 대해 아무것도 모르는 야생 곰이라는 점이 마음에 들었는데, 야생동물 관점에서 제멋대로 해석한 인간의 특성을 토대로 숙박시설을 운영한다는 설정은 이 게임 특유의 웃음 포인트라 할 수 있다.

경영 시뮬레이션의 경우, 타 게임에 비교하면 굉장히 단순한 구성을 갖추고 있지만, 힐링 및 어드벤쳐물에 포커스를 두고 있는 장르임을 감안하면 그럭저럭 눈감아줄 수 있는 수준. 스토리 게임으로만 놓고 본다면 상당히 만족스러운 수준인데, 매력적인 스토리와 인상적인 캐릭터들 덕분에 충분한 몰입이 가능했다.

물론 단점이 없는 것은 아닌데, 낮에 모든 퀘스트를 끝마쳤다 하더라도 밤이 되기 전까지는 다음날로 스킵할 수 없어 이 부분은 상당히 거슬리게 느껴졌다는거. 그나마 다행인 점은 현재 개발자가 적극적으로 유저 피드백을 수렴하고 있기에 이는 곧 수정될 것으로 보인다.

당장 눈에 띄는 문제점이 있는건 사실이지만, 현 상태만으로도 충분히 추천할만한 게임이라고 확신하는 중. 하드한 경영 시뮬레이션 혹은 타이쿤 게임을 원하는 유저라면 모를까, 그게 아니라면 충분히 빠져들만한 게임이라 본다.

직접 플레이해보고 판단해보시길!
Posted 30 July, 2022. Last edited 1 August, 2022.
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5.0 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I thought I'd never be a fan of this kind of game, but V Rising was just wow. The game has a good balance of combat, crafting and survival while all the mechanism is simple enough to understand, which I could not find a reason not to recommend this game to others.

Of course, at first glance, it may feel the vampire lifestyle in the very beginning seems too humble, but you need to know the game literally starts with nothing much since the vampire in this game is on the verge of extinction. If you want to rehabilitate vampire society in a fast way, but still don't know what to do as a beginner, here is a tip!

Set the base wherever you want and construct a blood altar first. It will guide you to the location of bosses all over the map by revealing their blood trails. While tracking down the target, you might also have to go against plenty of other creatures. However, by doing that, tons of resources will be given as rewards which will eventually be used to upgrade your skills and equipment.

That's it! After repeating this, what you do after is completely up to you. You may spend time decorating the base like a dark version of Stardew Valley, or trying to be the strongest vampire lord ever. Whatever you do, in a short time, I'm sure you'll find yourself in love with this game too :D

이런 부류의 게임은 내 취향이 아닐거라 생각했는데 생각외로 대박이었던 게임. 전투, 크래프팅, 생존의 3박자를 밸런스있게 소화했음에도, 게임 내 모든 시스템이 상당히 단순한 구성으로 이루어져 있어 이해하기 쉽기에 누구에게나 추천해볼법한 게임이 되시겠다.

처음에는 무슨 놈의 뱀파이어가 이리 허약하고 초라한가 싶을 수는 있겠지만, 뱀파이어가 멸종 위기에 처한 세계관이니만큼, 게임 극초반에는 말 그대로 가진 것이 없이 시작하게 되므로 스트레스 받지 마시길. 하루 빨리 뱀파이어 사회를 재건하고 싶은데, 당최 뭐부터 해야할지 모르겠다는 분들에게 팁을 조금 드리자면,

일단 원하는 지역에 베이스를 건설한 후, 가장 먼저 피의 제단부터 짓는 것을 추천! 피의 제단을 클릭하는 순간 맵 곳곳에 흩어져있는 보스의 위치를 붉은 안개를 통해 안내해주는데, 이들을 추적하는 과정에서 많은 몬스터를 상대하게 되고, 그들을 사냥하여 얻은 자원들이 결국에는 캐릭터의 스킬과 장비를 업그레이드 하는데 쓰이기 때문이다.

위 과정을 어느정도 반복했다면, 그 이후의 플레이가 어떻게 될 지는 순전히 플레이어의 몫에 달렸다고 봐도 무방한데, 스타듀밸리 마냥 집을 꾸며도 좋고, 지상 최강의 뱀파이어를 목표로 해도 좋으니 취향껏 달리면 될 것으로 보인다. 뭐 어떤식으로 즐겨도 결국 이 게임의 매력에 푹 빠지게 되겠지만ㅋ
Posted 29 May, 2022. Last edited 29 May, 2022.
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