United States Virgin Islands
If you're looking at this, it's probably because I pulled off some unbelievable headshots on you, or I raped your entire team and you want to know who I am, see if I have the traits of a hacker to make yourself feel better about getting owned.
I am not a hacker. No I haven't been vacced. Thank you.

cl_crosshairalpha "255";cl_crosshaircolor "3";cl_crosshaircolor_b "50";cl_crosshaircolor_r "20";cl_crosshaircolor_g "250";cl_crosshairdot "0";cl_crosshairgap "-1";cl_crosshairsize "4";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshairusealpha "1";cl_crosshairthickness "1";cl_crosshair_outline "3";cl_crosshair_outline_draw "0";

-freq 240 -refresh 240 -high -novid -tickrate 128 -nofrocemaccel -noforcemparms

cl_crosshairalpha 200; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -1; cl_crosshairsize 5; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairusealpha 1; cl_crosshairthickness 1.15; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;

-refresh 144-maxMem=13000-malloc=system-USEALLAVAILABLECORES-sm4
Favorite Game
Mobor 17 Sep @ 1:08pm 
+rep killer instinct
Nuadaris 12 Jul @ 10:14am 
+rep nice flicks
Tholune 21 Jun @ 8:01am 
Ready to kick some gaming butt?
Griril 20 Jun @ 5:36am 
+Rep! thx for game on faceit friendly teammate :)
Drelaginn 7 Jun @ 10:51am 
+rep good profile, nice stats
Yozshura 6 Jun @ 11:50am 
guy, tactical genius