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16 Hours played
This game has kind of a megaman/sonic (extremely sonic visuals wise) vibe to it.

It does a really good job of doing what it was meant to do, which is to be a 2D smash and bash platformer. To put it simply if you didn't like both Sonic AND megaman you WILL not like this because while it is an absolute blast of color and pixel art and drool worthy chip tune music, it has ALL the problems that both sonic and megaman have. If one of those games you could not stand for the problems, be warned that they are in this game.

With that warning out of the way I adored this game. The levels were juicy and filled with color, and you got to actually explore them because of how large and multi tiered they were. Part of this exploration is due to the fact that many of the levels required you to snatch keycards and push buttons in order to progress, like in megaman, while keeping a flowy pathway and physics ALMOST the same as Sonics. The difference being that unlike sonic you can still walk up those sloped walls without gathering a ton of momentum. A bit more like space physics than real life but considering that sliding down slopes was my biggest pet peeve at the original sonic, I still consider it an improvement because it makes your experience smoother with less having to run back just to get up speed. You also move much slower in this game than sonic, which is okay since the combat system is more out of megaman. No jump bopping enemies here, you'll be stopping to punch, kick, claw, or shoot the enemy unless you are able to bypass them.

The story was extremely cheesy, but in a nostalgic way, at least for me. Many of the actors were amateur voice actors with less than stellar recording equipment but it worked somehow, fitting in with the pixel art, and definitely adding to the stories cheese. If you aren't a fan of what amounts to a pajama sam story + the odd dark gory scene you may want to skip it and go right for the game however. Especially since the story scenes are unskippable if you choose story mode and some of them are loooooooong cutscenes.

Definitely extremely hard, the bosses start out easy letting you get a feel, but around midway through the game it decides you have figured it out and ups the difficulty by at least twice what it was before. This made things really fun for me but if you are a casual player, you might not enjoy it.

There are three different characters available to play at this time and each has completely different movesets. Two of them even get their own specialty maps. The strongest and easiest to play is Lilac, the medium difficulty being Carol, and the hardest player being Millia. Each are fully voice acted as well.

All in all this game is pretty fun, It took me about seven or eight hours to finish a single storyline playthrough without stopping for collectibles. The replay value is high with multiple characters and a generous amount of collectibles as well as a good amount of acheivements to get.
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