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Скорошни рецензии на Sovitin

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63.1 изиграни часа (32.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Its a fun storm chasing game using simulations, or scenarios. As you have read the pros and cons below, my points are roughly the same, fun game play loop but not very good optimization. Has offline progression so you can solo chase and learn how to chase and intercept, online to talk about intercept and drop zones to other avid chasers. I enjoy it and has a lot of potential.
Публикувана 3 юли.
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3.9 изиграни часа
The reason I need to give a negative review for this game is the fact I will be unable to get a refund for The crew 1 that I paid my own money for and that product is no longer my own. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME AS THE SAME WILL HAPPEN WITH THIS GAME. The servers will be shutdown as Ubisoft will force it's player base to buy another game to replace the ones they took down. Since these games require a constant internet connection, Ubisoft has shown that they do not care. This was a fun game to just drive around and goof however, I will never buy another Ubisoft product again. Also please visit this link: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ to see what you are able to do.
Публикувана 19 април.
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36.6 изиграни часа (5.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
When it comes to this game, it scratches the tactical shooter itch that many games failed to deliver on. This game is considered a spiritual successor to the S.W.A.T. series. So, from the old SOCOM games and the SWAT series, this game delivers and yet, still has room to improve. I also want to say that this game does carry a sense of dread and doom especially during active shooter missions. Hearing distant gunshots and screams means you already failed someone. This game does have only a few maps and not all maps have all the missions yet, but still, it is both entertaining and tense at the same time.

Edit: I am changing my review as when this review was posted, we had both all maps (pre-release) maps, unlocked and the ability to choose our mission. Since 1.0, I would say 40% of the content was not just removed but locked behind a "story". I don't know why both sandbox and story can't coexist but not only being locked into one type of mode, Practice is just Campaign lite without the stress mechanic, each level is locked until you complete each level at a satisfactory score. I don't have as much time as I like to play video games but to completely remove entire functions does not make sense as the work was already put in to make both map and scenarios.
Публикувана 24 декември 2021. Последно редактирана 13 юни.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
36.3 изиграни часа (16.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I enjoy it. It is different but satisfying when you beat a ghost. This should not be treated as Phasmo. Yes you get gear to find the ghost like Phasmo, but the ghost hunts when it wants to. It could be frequent haunts or some time in between hunts, its somewhat hard but once you get the idea, it is fun.

Yes I understand some people are annoyed by the three maps, but honestly after the string of updates from launch, every game has played a bit different for me.

Any way, with 80 hours in Phasmo and 20 hours in Ghost hunter Corps, this game should not be treated like Phasmo as I said. This game is both investigative and action suspense compared to Phasmo which is just investigative suspense.

Give this game a shot, it really is not grindy as some people are saying, its about the same as Phasmo when it first came out as well. Please see when the negative reviews came out and look at recent lets plays, it has improved since launch and honestly I still like to play this every few days. Also with the the new maps and AI change coming, adventuring and movement will not be as restricted either.
Публикувана 16 август 2021.
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21.7 изиграни часа (17.0 часа по време на рецензията)
I think after 10 hours, I have enough to say. This game is worth getting. the battle system is customizable to where you can have each character be controlled by you or an AI with different presets, grinding is easy in this game to where later on you have assistance in pulling far mobs closer, set all characters to AI control and just sit back and farm a bit. Items are a bit expensive so grinding/farming is a need if you want to continue growing your characters. I wont go into much about the story but it is well done to where I just dont want to stop playing. There is always something going on to where it is not as slow as some RPG games are but not to fast paced to where Its from start to finish in a blink of an eye. I really suggest this game for all new and old DQ players.
Публикувана 14 октомври 2018.
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65.7 изиграни часа (59.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Alright, so about this game. This is not the tradtional MMORPG that WoW guild wars or other reskins had done, this game is of the genre but its different and for the better. This game is alot bigger in terms of what a new player can actually do, in sense you can actually start up your own empire in this game starting with a few basic nodes and workers and just get that coin, gear is not plenty in varaity but upgrading is important. You will actually need to upgrade if you want to keep owning enemies. Combat is fluid and you actually feel powerful, the roles actually play well with the skills, Now this is a bit of a mob hack and slash game when it comes to it but, just keep your witts up and you will do alright. I have not tried PvP yet but if it is as fluid and smooth as PvE, well you will enjoy it. Essentially every thing is easier to where you can just hop in it with out trying to do a 4-5 hour quest line just trying to understand it and doing the same task over and over again just to make maybe 15% profit. I recommend it.
Публикувана 21 октомври 2017.
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5.6 изиграни часа (4.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Yes it's an EA game,

Yes it has bugs

But it is a fun game and one worth a good few hours at a time, it has modding support as well as a true sandbox game where you can create a good bit of scenarios till your heart is content.

So about this game. It is a physics/ car simulator that can be from driving, racing, crashing and the ect. that involves cars. Spawn in cars and props alike. Create sick stunts over flaming cars, re-inact famouse car chases or just smash stuff against anything. So in my opinon it is worth getting to play on your free time.
Публикувана 25 август 2017.
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