Please read this text, its important for everyone, your eternity is at stake.

You are going to die someday and you wont take your money with you or your trophies or any other thing. When you die, you will be before The Lord, three times Holy God, and he will judge you according to your deeds and guess what? You have committed bad deeds somewhere in your lifetime. The Lord demands perfection from you, and also guess what? you are not perfect at all, you sin everyday like me. The result of this will be hell for you, for eternity, suffering for eternity non stop.

There is a way to avoid this just and eternal punishment from The Lord, and its only through His Son Jesus Christ, if you believe him today and repent from all your sins, He will save you, and you will be in Heaven for eternity, without any suffering, disease, death, pain, boringness, all the bad things that exist on earth, wont exist on Heaven, its eternal peace worshipping Jesus Christ for eternity.

But whats the proof that you really believed in Christ and repented your sins? Total life change. If your life remains the same, you keep on lying, hating people, desobeying your parents, being agressive, continue to be sexualy imoral etc, resuming if you keep on living in sin, you are not truly converted. If you believed in Christ truly and repented your sins truly, the sins you once loved, now you hate them all and you love santity. If you truly are converted you wanna imitate Jesus Christ´s life.

Also, if you truly got converted to Jesus Christ reading this, seek a biblical church in your country, go have fellowship in Christ with other converted people, they are now your brothers in Christ if you are truly converted. Only do this when the quarantine reaches the end, so you dont get infected or infect someone or even have problems with the authorities of your country.

With this being said, Repent your sins and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life he is The Only One that can save any human being, any human soul from hell, from The Holy Wrath Of The Lord His Father. If you reject Jesus Christ, you will go to hell when your life is over here on earth, and it will be for eternity, dont throw your eternity way.

Keep in mind that salvation in Biblical Christianity its by Grace in Jesus Christ and not by works of your own. But if you are truly saved by Grace in Jesus Christ you will obey Him no matter what because you love Him. Being saved by Grace in Jesus Christ does not allow you to live your life in the practice of sin.

Abandon sin and ask Jesus Christ to help you to abandon sin because you cant do it by your own, you will fail miserably. Yes after conversion if you truly convert, you will still sin here on earth, only in Heaven you will not sin anymore. But when you sin, it better be by accident. Ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness because he can forgive you, repent your sin and ask him for help to abandon that sin, dont remain in it never.

Abandon your sin, abandon your unbelief, because that is going to kill you, it will drag you to hell, turn to Jesus Christ before its too late, you dont know if you are alive tomorrow.