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2.2 giờ được ghi nhận
Now this was one game i used to play down my local arcade all the time and i absolutely loved it,coin after coin would go into the machine and i would allways feel like i was playing the best game in all creation.

Dragon's Lair 2: Timewarp Trailer - YouTube


Then i grew up,i still love this game (thats why i bought it and the original) but find that my love for it has dimminished somewhat.I think its because we have so many good and great games these days that we forget where games first came from and how simplistic they were,but i just dont feel the same playing this now as i did when i was that YOUNG man all them years ago.

Don Bluth Talking About The Arcade Game Dragons Lair ...


Now let me say this the game itself is still the same,and DON BLUTHS animation is still as great as i remember and so is the voice acting and the in game music.Its just not the same experience as i remember and to be honest i have played through twice and dont think i will be doing so again in a hurry,which is a shame as one of the most fondly remembered games of my childhood has not stood the test of time and thats why i cant reccomend it to gamers of today.


Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp (1984 /1991) Start to Finish on ...

Video for Dragon's Lair 2 Time Warp Full Game► 13:31► 13:31


I still love the game but find that the magic has worn of and i dont know if i should have played it again as now i know what great games are i cant really settle for just sitting pushing buttons in one direction or the other and hitting A to use my sword at times.
So i would reccomend it but only in the sales (and if it was cheap) and yes i would in a bundle also,but i cant in all good merit really reccomend it at the price it is.

Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 01, 2015.
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57 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
25.3 giờ được ghi nhận (24.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
As I grew up I loved to read book's that took me on journey's to far of place's that I could only dream of in my imagination,so I started reading R.E Howard,H.G Wells,H.P Lovecraft and the like and then I came across a book called "WARLOCK OF FIRETOP MOUNTAIN" and then I was hooked on the choose your own adventure style of books right from making my first decision and in turn effecting the story.
Then one day I was down my local bookstore looking for the next FIGHTING FANTASY book scouring the shelve's and I came across the first book of the LONE WOLF series (which happened to run for 28 book's) FLIGHT FROM THE DARK,I picked it up and was taken in by the artwork and the description written on the back of the book.
I bought it (sorry FIGHTING FANTASY) and that night when I went to bed started to read and carried on reading until I had made all the right choice's to get to the end of the book and finish the story (I got that hooked),so obviously no sleep that night then!!!!!
So having said that did I enjoy this game??,did it do the book's justice??,and would I recomend it to someone who doesn't know the story from the book's (or even to someone that does)??????
"Well you can click to exit the review thus your adventure end's,or you can read on brave warrior and find out if the game match'es up to my expectation's"

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered launch trailer ...


Ok so lets get to it then,in this visual novel/choose your own adventure game (which this game is at heart-but there is lots more to it-WHICH I'LL GET TO LATER) your going to be doing a lot of reading and if that's one thing you don't like then to be honest I wouldn't really bother with this game.
It deal's with its narative through the written word and if your not paying attention then at time's you will miss out on important plot detail's and written conversation's that lead you to choose different choices based on what you just read.
(OK STILL WITH ME LETS CARRY ON THEN) If that sound's ok and you like this sort of game then your in for a treat as this is one of the best this genre has to offer.
So what does the game play like apart from the reading then and why is is different to others of its ilk???
Well you do read and make choice's but you will also be picking lock's,upgrading equipment,solving puzzle's using the Shianti Cube (which is something you come across on your journey) and (which is the best part of the game) FIGHTING the Darkland's horde.
Now all the gameplay you will come across has been implemented really well and even though the fight's do rely on QTE's a lot they really are the stand out moment's of the game and you will (on many occasion's-on any difficulty other than easy) find yourself outnumbered with only your quick action's to save your skin.
When you start to fight will you use the Sommerswerd to gain an early advantage??,will you use a physchic mind blast to stun the enemy??,will you communicate with the wolf's and get them to attack??,will you take a defensive stance??,will you enhance your weapon?? ECT-ECT (I think you get what I mean).
Any desicion you make will effect the outcome and either bolster your chance's or help to see you meeting an untimely end,and this element not only effect's combat but is also pivotal to the story as well because when you do make a decision you have to live with it as the game auto save's so make sure you choose to do the right thing (IS THERE A RIGHT THING IN THIS GAME????????)

The following is a gameplay video which shows the sort of things you will be doing in game -

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered Gameplay(PC ...


The graphic's in game range from the static variety when your reading (which serve as a background whilst you are reading) to some really good graphic's when your fighting and solving puzzle's with the Shianti cube or picking lock's.
And it's whilst fighting the horde that the graphic's shine as you really want to see that final killing blow on that Vordak Undertaker that's been causing you problem's for the last hour AARRGGHHHHHHHH.
Every encounter will play out differently and the animation for the horde is different enough that they all have their own animation's for attack pattern's and also (which is the best point) their own death scene's (at your hand's) as they all die in various way's.
Some animation's do repeat themselves but to be honest none of them outstay their welcome and each and every victory is as satisfying as the last (especially when you take down that Gourgaz that's been beating you senseless for the last hour "GO AWAY YOU BIG LIZARD").
The soundtrack that accompanies the game can only be desribed as epic and really does help make the game feel like the adventure that it is and should be,and even whilst reading it never annoy's to the point where you want to switch it of.
Actually I for one found the soundtrack to be a welcome addition and it wouldn't feel out of place in any RPG game or Fantasy movie,and as is mostly the case in a game like this it just wouldn't be the same without it.
The story really does do justice to the source material and fit's into the cannon perfectly,and if like me your a fan then you will appriciate it no end and you will both an once enjoy the familiar in the story and also the new that's been added as well.Will you need to have previous experience with this style of game and even know the story to enjoy it ????
Well having played the game and reached its conclusion and being that I am such a fan I would say yes and no to that statement.
Now I would say no as the story is written so well that it just pull's you in and at no point's does it loose anyone who isn't familiar with its background or the character's,and it both introduces them and the history of Lone Wolf's world with a confident flair and ease that is there for all to see.
And I would say yes as at the same time if you've come to the game with knowledge of what's going on before the game takes place,then you will get even more out of your time with it than if you hadn't,and if your like me you will love to see the Sommerswerd raised and used to crush the Darkland horde's (especially the Vordaks-you undead pains in the AR__,NOW-NOW calm down its just a game)
Now this is not the first game to have been based on the Lone Wolf series of book's and there have been other's but I remember one that I really did want to play but sadly it never did get a release date and actually it ended up being canned.Here is a trailer for the game that sadly never was.

Gameplay from a cancelled lone wolf game -

Lone Wolf:Flight from the Dark Game Developers SF 2008 ...


Okay now all's said and done would you like to play this game reading and making choices and fighting the Darkland horde's,and will you get anything out of it ????
Well read and answer the following three question's and decide for yourself -

1 - Am I the sort of person who like's a fantasy tale full of foul creature's and dark magic????

2 - Do I like playing and reading through a visual novel style game (even with all it's enhancement's over other's of its type)????

3 - Am I the sort of person who really (and I mean REALLY) like's to put the effort into reading so i can gain from such a well written and fullfilling journey into Lone Wolf's world????

If you can answer yes to the above question's and want to stop the foul Darkland horde's and crush GUNZAR (which is no easy feat-"OH MY GOD HERE WE GO AGAIN"),and just like me you are really a fan of Lone Wolf and his world then "BY KAI" what are you waiting for??
But if this doesnt sound like you and no matter how many enhancement's and extra's they throw at the visual novel format you just arent going to get anything from this type of game,then to be honest you would be better of buying another fantasy game such as "THE WITCHER 2" (great game by the way)
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 12, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 2 Tháng 05, 2020.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
92 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
6 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
24.3 giờ được ghi nhận (11.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Ok so let's start of by saying that last time we saw Isaac Clarke he was shall we say not alltogether sane after his experience with his time spent on the planetcracker USG Ishimura and even though we knew it wasent over we didnt know of the horror that was to come.
Set three years after the event's in the original Dead Space,this time protagonist Isaac Clarke find's hinself in a fight for his life against a new Necromorph outbreak on the Sprawl,a space station above Saturn's largest moon,Titan.
Isaac is at a disadvantage right from the get go as he is believed to have lost his mind and when the outbreak kick's of this time he is in a straitjacket strapped on an upright bed and wondering if this is it?????
Of course he need not worry as a certain Franco Delille set's him free (protagonist of Dead Space Ignition) but we all know what happen's to character's that are'nt that important in these games dont we (NO WHAT HAPPEN'S TO THEM????-ARE YOU HAVING ME ON OR WHAT?????)

Dead Space 2 - Launch Trailer - YouTube


Right as allways down to the brass tac's of the game and first of the most important aspect for this game the story.Now i for one was wondering how they would carry on the story and for the second part of what has so far been a trilogy they have hit the nail on the head.
Is the story in this game told as well as in the first?????,yes and no is the answer and i will explain why on both points.
When i say yes it makes me happy to say that,as this was one game i didnt want them to mess up on and i am happy to say they didnt and the story flow's and take's you on a journey that (if your a fan of the original) you wont forget.Now let me explain why i said no,i really enjoyed the first game and the story but i dont remember Isaac being (for use of a better term) "a potty mouth".Now im not a prude (far from it) but i find the change in Isaac not one that i appriciated or liked but i must say i didnt find that it put me of at all (but it was there in the back of my mind whilst playing).
Now to say more about what goes on than i allready have will not only spoil all the surprise's the game has in store for you but also all the terror and sheer shock's you will get from discovering it on your own (and you would'ent want those spolit now would you????).
Now the sound in game (just like in the first game) really does a fantastic job of building tension and really does help to move the game along and without it,it just wouldent be the same game and experience that it is,and it will also creep into your psyche as you play to the point where you dont notice its there and it meld's into the background.

"Dead Space 2", full HQ Original Videogame Score (OST) + ...


The graphic's in this game really do a superb job of putting you in Isaac's shoes (well space-boots) in a situation so dire with creature's that can only be described as coming from your nightmare's being brought to life as they not only look horrific but there are different type's and each one has their own animation and attack style's to make each encounter memorable.
The animation during Isaac's death scene's are at one all different enough (when you die at the hand's of different enemies that is) that you wont tire of them but at the same time you wont want to see them as some are (not to put to finer point on it) horrific!!!!!!!
The art design for the sprawl has also been thought out well and to be honest it doesnt feel like a space station but more like one huge gigantic haunted house with you as a very unhappy and terrified customer.As you wander around you will find yourself looking at the design of the space station and wondering if at any moment it will also actually come to life and try to claim your soul and your sanity.
Now the gameplay does feel familiar but the game does actually seem more combat based than the first and allthough this has upset some for me i found it not to be a problem.It doesnt effect the story in any way and if anything when facing of against larger numbers of Necropmorph's it actually seem's to bump up the tension rather than diminish it.
Unlike its predecessor,Dead Space 2 has a multiplayer mode,pitting human character's against Necromorph's across the Sprawl and this offer's more needed replayability for the game as you choose whether to fend of the dreaded creature's or try to infect the hapless humans,and this game mode play's out really well and yet it just hasent been thought out and implemented as well as it could have been (might just be me),but Dead Space in my eyes is meant to be a solo experience and one to be enjoyed scared to death on your own.
Now the one thing that i remember most about the first game was the ending and this game does try to play a little trick on you at the end and............................will we make it "What" (WELL NOT SAYING).


Dead Space 2 Final Boss Fight, Ending, And Bonus Ending ...


Ok so as allways in closing will you want to play this game or even revisit it if you've allready finished it,well answer the following question's and you decide -

1 - Did you enjoy the first game and want more of the same?????
2 - Do you want to play a well thought out game and one that throw's scare's both of the jump variety and otherwise at you?????
And 3 - Are you looking for one of the best action horror games that this genre can throw your way?????
If you answer'ed yes to the question's above then what are you waiting for let the "MARKER" claim your soul again if not then just remember allways and i mean allways check the corner of your eye as this game may just creep up on you yet.

Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 11, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 11, 2014.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
97 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
11 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
0.4 giờ được ghi nhận
"I'm drunk.........I'm very,very DRUNK" and that's how we get introduced to what I can only describe as one of the worst game's it has been my pleasu......................."SORRY" no absolute "NIGHTMARE" to play.
Now looking at the amount of time I have actually spent in game you would wonder how I could (and to be honest its not much time at all-it doesn't even show up as an hour as I only played for about 40-50 minutes as that's all I could stomach!!) be able to make such a judgement on such a short play-through and why I have such a negative feeling about this game???
Well read on and I will fill you in on what an absolute horrible experience I had,how bad a game this is and just why this game should burn for its sin's (i don't usually say game's have no place on STEAM or any other platform for that matter,but this is one of those game's that really should have stayed in the mind of the developer's!!).

ONE DAY for Ched v.1.0.4 trailer - YouTube


Ok let's get to the basic thing any good game needs over graphic's and anything else the game play,you start playing the game and think "OH look the doors are opening and here comes a wave of enemies,at least there's a few different varieties to shoot".
Then you walk forward and start firing and *WHAM,BAM* thank you *MAM* down you go,OK you pick yourself up and try again and guess what *BANG* down you go again,so I decided to play the old hide behind the wall routine and pop out taking shot's at the goon's just for a shot to pierce straight through the wall and take me down.
So I dusted myself down,picked myself up and tried again,four out of five enemies went down and "LOOK OUT" I fell down and died again,and I hadn't even been shot at?????
SO HERE WE GO ONE MORE TRY THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After another ten attempt's I got past this bit and entered the building and then "OH look here comes another wave of enemies" and down I went again,now this wouldn't bother me except for the fact that I then got put straight back to the start (THE START I TELL YOU-they know there's no need to shout).
That's when I thought "AH to hell with this game",and believe me its not a case of getting better at the game its all about luck (as in if the game's engine will let you even play it as its meant to be played).

One Day For Ched Gameplay (PC HD) - YouTube


The graphic's are really bad for this type of a game and do nothing to help endear it to the player at all,with the creature's you fight looking more like lifeless blob's than anything that would actually instil fear in (as the character is) the mind of someone who's sanity was in question.
The story well what can I say about that except for the fact that it make's no sense whatsoever and has something to do with Ched wanting to be free of his inner demon's and that the battle rage's on in his mind and this is where the player step's in trying to help him sort the real from the unreal.
The sound is ok and does its job as well as can be expected but its the spoken dialogue that really has to be heard to be believed.I have never laughed so much at anything a game character has said in such a long time (until it got on my nerves that is),the main character sound's exactly like a certain "Elmer Fudd" ( to anyone who doesn't know who that is "GOGGLE" Bugs Bunny and you'll see what I mean) with his "I'm drunk..................very very drunk" sounding just like its been ripped straight from an episode of the classic cartoon he featured in (well yes if he got drunk whilst "Hunting Wabbits" that is).

Here's exactly where I think they got the idea for the main character's voice -

I'm Hunting Wabbits Beat - YouTube


In closing will you like this game in the slightest well that all depends on 3 thing's -

1 - Do you like playing really bad game's that to be honest never should have seen the light of day?????

2 - Do you like game's that punish you in an unfair way????? (not like DARK SOUL'S does though as that game make's sense and reward's you for your effort's-this does not)

3 - Do you really want a game on your account that just show's itself up as soon as you download and start it up to play?????

Well if you can answer yes to the above then by all mean's go ahead and buy it,if that's not you (THANK GOD) then steer clear as this is one game that (in my humble opinion) isn't even worth getting in a bundle,with 90% off or (!!and I really do hate to say this!!) FREE.

Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 11, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 20 Tháng 02, 2020.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
51 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
10.8 giờ được ghi nhận (9.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
"Why do day's pass instead of hour's when i sleep......................and what’s real and what’s not" these are question's you as a gamer will come to ask yourself playing this dark,interesting and sometime's frustrating point and click adventure as you wonder what the hell is going on and why????
Darkness Within : In Pursuit Of Loath Nolder is a point and click horror thriller/who done it and take's place in the imaginary (Lovecraft inspired) Wellsmoth.
You play police detective Howard E. Loreid who is trying to solve the murder of Clark Field and right at the top of this list is none other than Loath Nolder.
As you progress through the game you will become part of what seems like a routine investigation but this will take strange twist's and turn's.As you uncover clue's and find out more on why Loath has done what he has done,why he disapeared and just exactally why this case will become so important to Howard and what effect it will have on not only his life but his sanity as well.

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder Trailer - YouTube


Ok down to the brass tac's of the game and first up the most important element the story,now the developer's Zoetrope Interactive really have tried to capture what make's H.P Lovecraft's work's at one a journey into madness and also a horrific vision of thing's that just shouldent be and sometime's they succeed and get it spot on but sometime's (sadly i might add) they just havent.
Now i say this as i remember when this game first came out (November 6, 2007 to be exact) i really did take to the story and its twist's and turn's but on playing it again and looking back on other game's based on Lovecraft's work's (Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened and Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners of the earth) i think that this game lack's something that they seem to just have in abundance...................that Lovecraftian feel.
The sound in game is a highlight and really does do a good job of setting the scene with chilling noise's seeming to come from the shadow's and the music does hold its own against other games from this genre (there is one moment however that just doesnt seem to fit in the game,trust me once you hear it you'll know what i mean).
The graphic's in game are well done and some scene's look just like painting's (until you move your point of view of course),and each place you visit has its own feel and is different enough from the last that you will allway's want to explore a new location.I found myself wanting to move around like in some modern 3D free roaming adventure's (like in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter) but sadly that is something this game lack's (whereas Call of Cthulhu and The Awakened offer this and neither of these are modern games).


And last but by no mean's least gameplay now this take's a few form's in game which include's exploring new area's,puzzle solving,cracking codes,dealing with locked of area's (some of which need to be unlocked) and whilst some of these can be easy to solve others can be a true nightmare (due to the game's way of throwing some obscure puzzle's at you).
The two that differ the most however are the ability to combine your thought's to create new clue's and lead's (like a famous detective would do-right Mr Holmes) and also underlining clue's in article's and paper's you come across again to provide new clue's and lead's.
Putting your thought's together to unearth a new lead or clue can work but on the most part you will find yourself putting them together only to find that it just doesnt work and you have to try again "AARRGGHHHHHHHH".Even underlining things to gain new insight can be a little hit and miss with you choosing word's that you think are usefull to the case your on only to find out that their not and you need to find another word alltogether "AARRGGHHHHHHHH".Both idea's should would work well and its a shame that they both havent been implemented better (like in some other game's).
Now this is part one of a propossed three part trilogy and having played the second game (which came out on the 28 May, 2010) i allready know that one uses a first-person perspective whereas this game play's out in a more traditional style (like MYST),the second game is due on STEAM soon and i will be reviewing that one when it's released and i have replayed it (to be honest the second game does benefit from playing in that style and actually play's better than this one does)

Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Trailer - YouTube


So in game you will experience thing's real and unreal (also thing's due to the game and its engine you dont want to) and never know which is which but allway's know that what ever it is thats going on it isnt good (AARRGGHHHHHHHH),as why do day's pass instead of hour's when Howard sleep's?????
What’s real and what’s not,and why couldent the thought and underlining work better in game?????
And that is the journey we are taken on as we walk along side Howard and experience this whole nightmare from his point of view (for better or for worse),is he going mad,are the thing's he see's real will he find the two thought's to put together,or is it all just one huge nightmare that he will eventually wake up from?????
So in closing why am i recommending this game then as some of the gameplay element's just dont work as well as they should and it doesnt capture the Lovecraft feel i was looking for completely????
OK here goes....................................even though it has these bad point's (that as a Lovecraft fan) i just cant ignore i am on the fence and to be honest i enjoyed this game more than it actually got on my nerves (WELL FROM READING YOUR REVIEW I AM SHOCKED),which is funny as reading the review you would think that i really didnt enjoy my time with this game (I JUST SAID THAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME).
But just like true Lovecraft that's where the twist lies as "Memory sometime's make's merciful deletion's" (and that's what happened to me whilst i was playing through the game i seem to have blocked out all the negative point's and focussed on the positive one,which is for all its faults i actually enjoyed playing through it-allthough i must admit i wont be doing so again in a hurry)

Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 11, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 25 Tháng 11, 2014.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
40 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
18.2 giờ được ghi nhận (17.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Well this is a game that took me completely by surprise and turned into a game that i have grown to really,really like.
Bought it for my daughter and i think i have played it more than she has.
I started to play and was like "OK ITS QUITE ALLRIGHT" and then i just found the hours passing by and i noticed that i had been playing it for quite some time.
I started to wonder why and then it dawned on me i love to complete challenges and on your first play through thats what you get on each level (some are easy and some are frustratingly HARD) and thats what it was,then i started to think OMG i actually like the style of this game and i am having fun (not something you get much these days even when playing triple AAA releases).
I think i am actually turning into someone that wants more from my games than huge set peices and big guns and i actually want my games to be fun again (like when i was a child and found playing games fun not a chore),which is exactally what this game is.
The graphics are like a cartoon (thats what this game sort of is) but the music can get a bit frustrating at times (same tune),i think apart from that the biggest drawback will be replayability as once you have done the levels and the challenges you cant do them again (unless they have changed this since last i played) and you then get to play a point based version of the game and compete against other players from around the world,and this might appeal to somepeople but i had more fun doing the challenges and getting upgrades to my available abilities (GOLDEN POOH HOW CHILDISH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOVED THAT ONE) than i did playing the game in this way.
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 10, 2014.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
27 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
11.7 giờ được ghi nhận
"Ok i thought not another ZOMBIE game AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH" but start playing and you realise that this is one fun and entertaining little game and it has a brilliant sense of humour (not all jokes are for CHILDREN though so beware).
You start the game in the town square and it all feels a little "ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBOURS" but play some more and you come to realise that it isnt that game at all and rather a sort of arcade game with slight rpg overtones in it.
Now i say slight as when you clear the first screen and get onto the next after solving a few fetch and carry missions (fun to play and not boring ones) you then have to clear the police station of all the zombies and then the police station becomes your base from which to set out from to complete missions and find the relevent items you need to upgrade the weapons you have (also when rummaging through the searchable items such as garbage cans and cupboards ECT-you find the developers cards and then you activate the "DEV CARD HUNT CHALLENGE").
Keep playing and eventually your team grows to 4 members (now i wont say what they all are so as not to spoil the surprise-YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO GUESS WHEN PLAYING I DID) each bring different weapons to the game and also the chance to upgrade your weapons with different abbilities also,at certain points you have to play as each character as not all characters are allowed to pass all gates or complete all quests.
Now if you die whilst doing these quests and havent got through the gate to the next level,the game will put you back to the start of the level and you will have to try again (even if you did find that elusive weapon part) and this is the part of the game that frustrated me the most (but actually in a good way-READ ON) but also came to be the best gameplay element in the game.Now why do i say this,well i will tell you why and its really simple "IT MAKES YOU PLAY THE GAME BETTER AND THEREFORE GET BETTER AT IT" upto the point where no matter how many zombies are on screen you can and allways feel like you can do the next quest and beat all of the damn things.
Now this brings me to the security gates,some open straight away (and all the ones near your base open with no quest activated) but others set you an in level challenge,say to kill 10 zombies with the criket bat or set 25 zombies on fire ect but all these quests are fun and offer a little in game distraction from what you were doing at that moment.
The graphics in game are great for this sort of game (the zombies are all funny and shuffle around in typical comedy zombie fashion),the sound and music in game is also good and the script is funny but some jokes arent really aimed at the younger generation ("WHAT DID THAT GAME JUST SAY MUM" "ITS OK BILLY WILL EXPLAIN WHEN YOUR OLDER").
All in all this game is well made and adds a needed comedy injection in the arm to an allready over populated genre of game.So if your looking for another ZOMBIE game and want something a little different give this one a go and you want be dissapointed "BBRRRRAAAIINNNNNSSSS".
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 09, 2014.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
75 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
17.5 giờ được ghi nhận (13.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
"The marker must be returned to the planet,IT MUST" and to be honest i was glad that i to returned to this classic game and i really enjoyed losing my sanity all over again.
I played this game when it first came out on the X-BOX 360 and at the time thought it was one of the best game's i had ever played and on finishing down loading it i was a little worried and concerned if i was still going to love it as much as i did and if after all this time i would not feel the same way about it ?????
Of course i need not have worried as this game still pack's the same punch now as it did then,and still impressed me with both its jump scare's and its all together moment's of sheer horror i did not see coming the first time round and they still managed to make me jump out of my chair again this time as well.

Dead Space - Official Trailer - YouTube


To most the plot wont need explaining and i wont go into to much detail here let's just say this,the game is set in the year 2508 and the USG Ishimura a "planetcracker" starship send's out a distress signal during a mining operation on the planet Aegis VII.The Concordance Extraction Corporation (CEC) send's the USG Kellion to investigate.After a guidance system malfunction crash'es the Kellion into the Ishimura dock (in explosive fashion),the crew set's out and tries to find other mean's of transport.
As they explore what appear's to be an abandoned ship they find out it is'nt that abandoned after all,that's when the horror truely begin's for engineer Isaac Clarke, Commander Zach Hammond, and Computer Specialist Kendra Daniels as they encounter thing's that are (shall we say) no longer what they once were.
The graphic's in this game are still as impressive now as they were when the game was first released (and that was 6 year's ago-and yet this game can still pack quite a graphical punch),and the enemies and the ship still look as good now as they did then.
The sound and music in game are (not to put to finer point on it) amazing and really do help the scare's along and help you feel all together unnerved about your time on this haunted and possesed ship from hell.

"Dead Space 1", full HQ original soundtrack (OST) - YouTube


The spoken dialogue in game is all delivered with sheer perfection and would'nt sound out of place in a big hollywood SCI-FI blockbuster (Gunner Wright who is the voice of Isaac Clarke really does stand out).
The gameplay has stood the test of time and really does show up some more modern games (especially HORROR) for what they are poor game's,i enjoyed solving the puzzle's and blowing the limb's of enemies as much this time as i did the very first time i played the game.
And for a game to impress me as much now as it did 6 years ago really is a testament to what EA Redwood Shore's acheived and i was also happy that they continued the story by producing two very good animated film's to accompany the franchise.

Here's the trailer for the first movie -

Dead Space: Downfall - Trailer - YouTube


Will you like this game if you have'nt played it,well yes of course you will if you like a well made and top notch game full or horror,suspense and wet your pant moment's but if your the sort of person who hide's at the sight of "GHOST FACE" from "SCREAM" then i just wouldent bother.
Anyway remember watch your back and oh whats that in the corner of my eye.............................."AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHH" ok its just my wife ????

Đăng ngày 3 Tháng 09, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 22 Tháng 07, 2015.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
30 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
4.3 giờ được ghi nhận
Now lets start of by saying do you believe in werewolves and the supernatural,YES ? or NO ? it makes no difference as if you like hidden object games you'll love this one.
The game starts with Ashley (who you play throughout the entire game) looking over some old photos and then talking about something that happened a while ago and then of you go into the game through a story that is being told in the present but you are living through in the past (so whatever you do you know that at least Ashley survives the adventure-and no spoiler as this happens right at the start).
Then you travel to your Grandma's to find out why you havent heard from her in a while and to find out exactally what is going on and why ??
Now to say more than this will spoil the story no end but lets just say some things you will see just are'nt for the faint hearted,but its one game you will enjoy playing through if your heart will let you,as you wonder just when something will jump out at you or you will see something horrible.
The graphics in game on the most part are of the static variety (are'nt they allways in these games) but they are presented and drawn in such a way as to draw you in and when the game does throw some moving images at you they are all the more attention grabbing for it.
The music in game really suits the nature of the game and the spoken dialogue is all delivered well by the cast (most of the time though you will just be listening to Ashleys voice and we could have done with a few more characters to flesh things out).
The gameplay consists of the static find the object variety to the solve the water by moving the pipes ones,but all in all these are entertaining and never get old or outstay their welcome (there is no button to bypass the puzzles which does make it more challenging than most HOG's as some puzzles can be quite abstract).
The games story is really well written and i for one did see what was coming but it was still a very satisfactory ending to what is a well developed and well put together game.
Now let me say this i think this hidden object game is aimed more at the mature audience than most as some scenes can be quite (for use of a better word) horrific and therefore some may find them unnerving,but for this reviewer i just wish there were more games of this type out there in the hidden object genre that focused more on telling an adult story.
Will you like this hidden object game,well if you like this type of game and are thirsting for more then yes you will as its one of the best out there,if its not your sort of game then i dont think any of this genre will ever change your mind.
Just remember whilst playing some parts are really quite challenging so dont let it get to you or make you "HOWLING" mad.
Đăng ngày 3 Tháng 09, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 3 Tháng 09, 2014.
Đánh giá này có hữu ích? Không Hài hước Giải thưởng
35 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
2.7 giờ được ghi nhận
"I DONT GET IT WHY WOULD ANYONE COME HERE BY CHOICE ??" says Grimoire and i will tell you why you should ignore him and take a visit to the swamp,because its a fun place to explore and one game you wont regret visiting.
So of you go to explore the swamp and find out who (or what) killed Mr Remmington and in the process of doing so interveiw a who's who of suspects and ask questions that lead to other questions and challenges that will slowly lead you to the one and true murderer (be it human or something more sinister).
The game itself plays out in a true point and click style but doesnt bother with you having an inventory and therefore the need to mess about with items is done away with,now in a lot of games this would detract from what was the overall feeling of you being a detective but not here "OH NO".
The simplicity of the gameplay helps push the narrative along at a fair old pace and i for one found myself so hooked by the story and the overall feeling of the game that i carried on playing until i had finished and discovered exactally what was going on,and this is the games only flaw its length.
It is quite a short experience and thats a shame as i would have happily enjoyed playing for double the time and would have still sat there none stop until i had reached the ending to the game (which is both satisfying and one that even though i saw coming i really enjoyed),but at the price who can complain at whats on offer when its so entertaining and well put together.
Lets get to the meat and bones of the game now graphically the game is like a cartoon and the standard of the artwork is top notch,the music in game does grate a little at times but doesnt really outstay its welcome to the point of driving you mad (just grates ever so slightly) and the spoken dialogue in game is all delivered to perfection by the cast and even though some characters sound cheesy,thats how they are supposed to sound and it adds to the overall character of the game.
I really did like this game and hope that there will be a sequel (well it leaves it for one-NO SPOILERS JUST SAYING) but will you like the game ???
Well if you like a point and click game that isnt all "AARRGGHHHH I CANT WORK THIS OUT ITS JUST TO HARD" and a game that both entertains and makes you smile then yes you will enjoy this great well put together but short game,if you want a harder experience and something that has you saying "GOD THIS GAME IS HARD,BUT BY THE WILL OF ZEUS I WILL SOLVE IT" then i would look elsewhere as you will find this wander into the swamp a little to easy.
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 08, 2014. Sửa lần cuối vào 21 Tháng 08, 2014.
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