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152.1 ч. всего (146.5 ч. в момент написания)
Infantry variant of Kar98K

Mod with scout II barrel and a scope if you want
Best ammo
any mods that increase damage and accuracy at the expense of control (because its a bolt action so who cares about a bit of recoil when theres no follow up shot until youve thrown the gun around cycling the bolt? I bet it would kick off target moreso from the bolt than the shot)

Buy pea camouflage, hide in bush, in grass, or other sneaky places


Just to note I aint the sit in a bush takin a crap kind of sniper (most of the time), since I've got the infantry bolt action and my respawns are tied to the plentiful infantry numbers (and not the limited sniper numbers) it means I have a proto sniper class with hundreds of respawns so go as the squad marksman moving up with the main force.

Also fun tip, take all the magazines off your gun so the gun is only equipped with the mag it comes with, take off all extra kit and you can fit a second primary rifle to your loadout, then get the perk to give yourself extra mags and you get your ammo back. So scoped Kar98K with a stock MP34 with a single magazine each and 3 extra mags on top with the perk makes you g o d d a m n rambo. (it counts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as a swearword, come on atheists can I not invoke the name of the lord?) No way in real life could you lug around two guns and ammo, which is what the supply points are for and without the perk exploit you really can only carry one gun + ammo or two guns with one mag each.

Fun little tip there, if ever you wanted two types of guns but minus all of your extra kit and pistol and health pack etc.

This game is free and is actually quite decent, theres no pay to win as such because base guns deal good damage, the arse of it comes from it takes a middle earth 'age' to unlock more guns. But now i have my Storm rifle model 1944, im not complaining, even though it took me zwanzig years Hans!
Опубликовано 13 февраля 2022 г.. Отредактировано 13 февраля 2022 г..
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0.0 ч. всего
(текст обзора скрыт)
Опубликовано 14 декабря 2021 г.. Отредактировано 19 декабря 2021 г..
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1,183.8 ч. всего (440.6 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
It's got overworld strategy, a big map with castles on it, a whole continent full of kingdoms.
It's got RPG character elements, skill points, companions and dialogue.
It's got on the ground directional combat, 1st one to do it, 'For honour fanboys'.
It's got big armies you build a soldier at a time, a promotion at a time, a victory at a time.
It's got politics, lordships and the chance to conquer "The World" (said in a Jeremy Clarkson voice).
Yes it's got ♥♥♥♥ tons of butter
Of course there's the option of feeding your troops just slabs of butter
There's even a skill point which removes the morale penalty of feeding your army just one food type.
So go on, you have a destiny here to fulfil, the legend of Butterlord the Second.

But the best thing of all

It aint "almost"...

It 'is'...

Опубликовано 28 ноября 2021 г..
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66.0 ч. всего (49.6 ч. в момент написания)
The best game, ever.
Опубликовано 28 ноября 2021 г..
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43.8 ч. всего (41.7 ч. в момент написания)
I have never taken any screenshots of this game? The action has been too gripping, there has not been time to sight see, gotta find that cache lads.

This game brings to life the Iraq war for me, or moreover the occupation and peacekeeping efforts, in a city or town in someone's home. Rootin' out bombs, caches, insurgent cells. The aesthetics of it all, sandstone streets and flat roofed houses, sounds of a mosque's prayer music in the distance. Squad of US Marines quietly going door to door at dawn searching for weapons stashes, sort of thing you used to see on the news with what was going on in Iran or Afghanistan, I always found that cool. The desert fighting, the US soldier in his camo with a balaclava and shades on, just real cool. Though the IEDs weren't. This game gives you the most immersive experience at getting one back on those Insurgents, load that M16 an' get crackin lad, for the fallen.

Like War of Rights, Hell Let Loose and Squad, this game is an immersive and 'authentic' type of game. It's not an arcadey game, it's serious and you need to be on it to win it, I like these kind of games. Good competition, straightforward with no cheats and perks like a Battlefield game, 'ave your suspension of disbelief going and you can get real immersed into a game like this. I went back to playing battlefield 5 not long ago, got an iron sighted bolt action expecting it to be like Hell Let Loose and it be a one hitter.
Centre mass shot a medic, wounded him? he popped a health kit, kept shooting him a few times as he popped in and out of cover, after several hits and no kill I gave up.
In this game, I got a modern carbine with a smaller bullet than an old boltgun, still kills in one hit on unarmoured targets, there's no health kits, you peeked out in the wrong place? tough sh*t. I like how this game works, puts you on edge at times because it's high stakes, no chances. Makes you think what it must've been like for the soldiers doing that house clearing back then, not knowing if there was a bomb or insurgent behind the door, or both.

The sounds in this game, the suppression, that realistic bullet damage makes the whizzing sound of incoming fire all the more 'concerning'. There's no time to mess about like in battlefield, where it's a "take a few hits then crouch slide round cover, pick up a medpack and heal back to full health" like some mutant. This is a "come round the corner and die" kind of game. You don't walk round corners in this game, you pie em, peek peek a slice at a time. Draw the curtain back slowly, don't want to reveal yourself to everyone right away, this game don't give you second chances. It just tries to steal your one and only.

I also love the tactical choices this game offers

The the guns and mods for instance, as Security you get Army issue rifles of western nations, and a few local or semi local militia or army guns. High tech, low calibre at times (in terms of an intermediate like a 5.56. I'm a FAL guy so .308 Winchester). But they're accurate, modifiable and most of all easily controllable. M16 and EoTech for the win, keep it standard issue as best you can, no slapping a sniper scope and twenty other attachments onto it eh? Muh Immersion ok?

Insurgents on the other hand with their guns just take the absolute p i s s, Mosin Nagants, British commando Sterling submachine guns, a only partly assembled AKM because brother Absem forgot the dust cover. Al'abalah...

Exotic, classic and iconic firearms. They even have an M1 Garand, thirty owt six baby, git sum.

Massive really cool sidenote, cool for me, anyways: They got an FN FAL in it as well and it's available for both sides, so 'The Right Arm Of The Free World' is here to kick ass pal, I'm humming "it's a long way to Mukumbura" as im blastin' away on this .308 "What a time it was" eh fellas? Swivel on it Mugabe.

Another great point is the character design and uniforms for the different armour levels, heavy armour for Sec Forces is my favourite, USMC basically.

The uniforms, for Security the low and mid armour make em look PMC like, mercenaries or security contractors who took on a government job instead of one from a firm. The baseball cap and headset, lookin like some TF2 Scout. On the heavy they're like the US Army with the blacked out goggles and black balaclava. As a Brit, I gotta say this look is cool https://www.armytimes.com/resizer/4Tye5FAr0eeyCTZtZc89adqofPY=/1200x630/filters:quality(100)/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-mco.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DCLGFAYCT5FA7AKQ65MIYKWQKU.jpg That's what yer gettin' with the security forces.

Insurgents are like the Counter Strike terrorists, because this game franchise originally was a CS Source mod, so check list:

-Thirt -check
Towel for head -check
Aviators, specifically aviators -bang
Tactical vest, maybe -maybe
Nokia brick in place of radio thats strapped to Tshirt -Aye, got that
addidas trainers, oh sorry, sneaky "sneakers" -"Jihaddi Johnny going silent"
Jeans -because no other trousers exist brothers

It's got a great atmosphere, you feel like your there sometimes, there being in the middle of an active war zone surrounded by terrorists trying to kill you in many different explosive ways.

"This is fine" *trying to check three directions all at once while sprinting down an alleyway pursued by angry Arabic noises*

Wholeheartedly recommended. "Let us go my brothers, rush D"
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2021 г.. Отредактировано 12 октября 2022 г..
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141.3 ч. всего (133.3 ч. в момент написания)
Uninstalled 35GB of itself....vr's good, its alright.
Опубликовано 29 сентября 2021 г..
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95.7 ч. всего (19.8 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Came for the Kepis

Stayed for the Community
Опубликовано 25 сентября 2021 г.. Отредактировано 17 августа 2022 г..
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628.5 ч. всего (95.8 ч. в момент написания)
Story Wise its impeccable, went straight from watching spaghetti westerns to playing this and it captures the feel and the life of the dying west. My only gripes are that you cant aim down sights on horse in first person so me who plays immersive with no crosshair it's difficult, the fact that in online mode the prices are hiked right up but don't worry you can buy sharkcards- i mean gold bars- nifty eh to empty your damn wallet instead of time wasting.... and that some online players have clearly come from GTA and dont care about being a hunter/ fisherman/ lawman/ caravan guard/ trader no they'll just murder you for hours instead. Luckily about probably half the active players are lawful and I've had them come over and help me take out AI bandits and protect me when i was delivering trade goods, I've also had someone snipe me from the bushes and dynamite my delivery cart, If you can be the fastest gun in the west you dont have to worry. Overall this is the best or the closest we are gonna get to the old west, in it's dying days St Denis an image of whats to come, the glitches and few b.s moments pale in comparison to the breath taking views and single action gun play. Strap on yer gun belt saddle up and let's get livin like its 1899 uh "pardner"

Also little fun tip if you hate being murdered by players over and over

When in a lobby in online:
-Open your Task Manager
-Navigate to the Performance tab next to processes above the list of programs
-On the Performance tab down on the bottom left of the window click "Open resource manager"
-Navigate to the Network tab
-Select RDR2.exe or whatever its called (this also works for GTA.exe)
-Right click it and select suspend
-wait 15 seconds I find waiting exactly 15 seconds makes it work, 10 sometimes bugs it and crashes the game or freezes
-right click again and select resume where the suspend option was, try and pre-select this to time it right
-once 15 seconds have passed and you have resumed go into your game and check the players tab
That's in Online option press "L" for that
-Lobby should be empty, mind inviting friends, when they join, the lobby will be active and others can be sent in by R* servers. Might have to repeat this process twice or three times every so often.

What this does, by going into the network tab you stop your game from communicating with the internet, the session thinks you timed out and kicks you then when you resume connection it puts you in an empty session. I think within the 15 seconds the game is sending you to story mode or putting you in limbo because it doesnt go to another full lobby like its in matchmaking, its in limbo waiting then dumps you back in on your own. Be mindful that over time others players could join, but for the one a s s hat hunting you and killing you, gets rid of him real quick. Good for dealing with hackers too, your welcome.

Edit: Furthermore in the lore the five states are all southern or border states, so WHOHOOO I'm in god dang Dixie laaayyynnnd. :D
Опубликовано 5 сентября 2021 г.. Отредактировано 14 октября 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 488
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10.3 ч. всего (1.8 ч. в момент написания)
NOTICE: game doesnt launch for most people

Navigate to
C: (or drive you have operating system on)
Electronic Arts
EA Services

C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\EA Services\License

Delete all license files then attempt launch. A fix customers should not have to do, a fix the devs should have put in. Anyway this is how I got the game to work. I've chosen to amend this review and recommend the game ONLY because another customer provided tech support to get it working. I am not giving Steam, EA or DICE any credit, praise or approval for this. The fact that when we buy the game, WE have to bug fix while EA takes our money and scrams... is absolutely infuriating, I paid them for a working game and I am the one who has to fix it, so many others gave up and refunded because they didn't know this ^.

also this big fat t w a t stole my review, because people are nice like that not to leave a credit or name the original. All to knick a few likes off of me, he didnt even edit anything just copy pasted my stuff... https://gtm.you1.cn/profiles/76561197993070333/recommended/1238820/
Опубликовано 24 мая 2021 г.. Отредактировано 22 мая 2022 г..
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124.9 ч. всего (124.6 ч. в момент написания)
Good Immersive realistic World War two shooter.

If you can find an unlocked squad, really, game's full of little cliques locking off squads at half or third full then rejecting every join request.

Killed my interest in a game that is mostly a walking and dying simulator, now adding in sitting on the menu page waiting for a new squad or always always always having to play f u c k i n g officer... I used to love this game (I used to love leading squads), it is still a good game and is getting better with more content coming in. But fk this game, I hate the waiting around and the can't join this can't play as that. I don't get serious with games anymore, just want to chill after a day's work and this game is just frustrating, both with how you spend most of your game time in menus... Waiting to spawn or sitting on a point waiting to die, but with also how most classes aren't available because of people locking squads to reserve classes and such.

You set your sights on playing tanker and the next game all tank squads are at 1 or 2 capacity and locked off.
You get your hopes up playing any kind of infantry class then get a game of half full squads all locked
When the hell is recon ever available for the majority of people to play?

Makes it so tedious and a let down.
Опубликовано 3 мая 2021 г.. Отредактировано 6 мая.
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