Barney   Glasgow, Glasgow City, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Anarchy on ice freak flag flying faceless elitist
63 2, N 29 55, W


Post Modern Sleaze
I am not interested in your advances unless you're interested in spending exceedingly high amounts of time pushing badwater third.

현재 오프라인
매우 희귀한 도전 과제 전시대
Kazuma_ 2024년 11월 15일 오후 2시 52분 
hi, add pls
OasisLohr 2023년 8월 14일 오전 7시 26분 
Heyo so did you learn that bass bit yet
Cheese32 2022년 5월 16일 오전 4시 18분 
Okay so you know how in Minions, it’s canon that the Minions always serve the most evil person alive? It also happened that they were banished to Antarctica for a while in the 20th century, and the writers confirmed that this was to avoid having the Minions help Hitler. However, by doing this, they totally confirmed that Minions would be ready and willing to become Nazis, and would have gladly ran concentration camps. And what if the massive population of Minions helped the Germans win the war? Those TicTac looking ♥♥♥♥ers could have led to the entire world bowing to theAxis powers and to the total genocide of the Jewish people, and honestly it’s disgusting to me.
Scott L. (got hacked) 2021년 4월 6일 오전 10시 07분 
uh oh stinky
Ahkrin 2020년 11월 2일 오후 2시 39분 
+1 Rocked and stoned.
Riaken 2020년 9월 12일 오후 8시 46분 
+rep 360'd the killer with his cake of an ass