What's quackalackin
Thomas Berg
The 2nd and only tone

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Sirlancealot 9 oct. 2024 à 19h30 
Hi, 4k player here who reported What's quackalackin. What's quackalackin was our position 1 faceless void. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would chrono both teams in the middle of a fight, salve his allies, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "What's quackalackin's way!!!" We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.
Santomorgue 24 déc. 2023 à 20h59 
What's quackalackin 31 mai 2021 à 20h16 
AprilArtGirlBrock 15 oct. 2020 à 20h37 
What's quackalackin 15 mai 2013 à 17h13 
Blurderz 22 févr. 2013 à 19h29 