Ted Mosby
Nessuna informazione.
나 예쿠 11 ott 2021, ore 6:48 
hey, lets go party in cs:go
selected 31 mag 2021, ore 3:16 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
Velan 27 mag 2021, ore 4:29 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
76561199095098010 23 feb 2021, ore 2:20 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Nerd 28 apr 2020, ore 7:16 
+rep Adding for trade
Felix 19 lug 2018, ore 3:20 
I can give my Vulcan AK-47 ft for all of your csgo graffities and cases (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio