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Recente recensies door The Epic Noob

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9.9 uur in totaal (1.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The main menu of this game has so many ads keybound to controller buttons that you have to open an ad in steam and close it in order to select anything on the main menu. Worst main menu I've ever seen and it actually ruins the game.

Don't buy.
Geplaatst 17 september.
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0.0 uur in totaal
I have to admit, the nurgle rework and Tamurkhan have made me enjoy playing nurgle for possibly the first time. New lord has a fun start location the new nurgle units are a blessing and I'm a big fan of how they changed how plagues work. So far Thrones of Decay is great, definitely recommend.
Geplaatst 2 mei. Laatst gewijzigd 2 mei.
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44.7 uur in totaal (29.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Having a lot of fun with the game. It's a lot like the Pokemon game I always wanted as a kid with good survival elements. You build up your base and collect palls and I particularly enjoy having them perform tasks and automate production of food and various items. When you get a rare pal, or really any pal you like, its nice to be able to see them all the time at base working away even if you don't want them in your team. The game also has tons of pals that you can mount. Doing so lets you use the pals abilities while also being able to throw pal spheres (poke-balls) from the back. This is amazing 10/10. Especially when your pal can fly and shoot fireballs from the sky.

Great diversity of pals as well. Lots of dangerous cool looking pals, lots of cute ones, and everything in between.

Biggest Con is the AI base pathing for the pals. Every now and then you come back to your base and pals have gotten themselves stuck so they cant reach the food bowl. The fix is easy, you just pick them up and put them down. It's a minor annoyance and their news update said their working on it.

Great game, I definitely recommend picking up. It's worth the money in fun you'll get out of it. You could sink a lot of hours into this game completing your collection and doing new playthroughs with friends.
Geplaatst 24 januari.
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632.8 uur in totaal (161.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Incredible music, incredible story and writing, incredible replay ability and length, fantastic combat. This is absolutely one of the greatest RPG's every made.

The only hesitation I have on recommendation is that you should be aware that the game is very difficult even on the easiest difficulty. If you are not familiar with the DnD system than the learning curve will be a bit steep, however, the game UI makes it pretty easy to see and verify what's going on behind the scenes as far as dice rolls and stats so you can learn while you play.

If you love RPGs or CRPG's this is likely a must buy for you.
Geplaatst 8 augustus 2023.
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332.4 uur in totaal (133.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a total gem of a game. The combat is tons of fun, there's a ton of variety in everything ( environment, weapons, missions types, classes, difficulties, weapon upgrade builds, cosmetics, etc... ) The game has 4 miner classes you can play as and each one has a unique way to navigate the caves and potentially help your teammates navigate as well. Each class has access to 3 primary weapons and 3 secondary weapons that you unlock and upgrade by playing the game. Every class has a very interesting selection of weapons. The weapons often have interesting gimmicks that make them effective with specific situations and play styles and can also be upgraded for even more variance. For example, the engineer has a smart assault rifle that charges up a burst of bullets that auto-targets enemies. You can choose to upgrade it by doing things like adding extra damage when you lock the max number of targets or increasing the lock range at the cost of needing to aim a bit more precisely to lock on. It goes further, as you level up your account you get perk points for all your dwarves and once you level up a class to max you can prestige as that class and gain access to new weapon modifications slots to customize your weapons even more and add even more neat gimmicks to the weapons you already loved. For example, the engineer gets a cannon secondary and one of the mods turns this into something you can use to launch you and your teammates around caves. Its tons of fun.

All of this goes along with the fact that the classes are designed really well. In multiplayer you'll always feel like each player is bringing different strengths to the table. Everyone has a role. This makes multiplayer in this game a ton of fun. Surprisingly the game is fun even solo. When you run solo you get a personal drone named Bosco to help you. Bosco can be directed to mine, shine light, fight, bring you things and is a huge huge convenience and makes running solo not only possible, but a lot of fun and I would definitely still recommend this game to someone who doesn't think they'd be able to play with friends all the time. You can have fun here as a solo player.

Great game, one of my favorites. Watch a trailer, if it looks cool buy it.
Geplaatst 17 oktober 2022.
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686.2 uur in totaal (640.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The "All Reviews" score isn't necessarily representative of how war-hammer total war has improved. While the game has experienced some bad dlc's the latest addition, thrones of decay, has been a fantastic improvement to the game and has fixed a lot of issues that existed with total war warhammer in the past. The dlc is a good sign the CA is puting more effort into listening to the community and developing quality dlc. It's good to see and the state of the game is certainly on the upward trend. I recommend it, best total war game for me.

- Total War Community
Geplaatst 14 oktober 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 24 juni.
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112.4 uur in totaal (97.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Masterclass level story and immersion game. The only downside I can think someone would have is that the combat can be hit or miss with people because you will suck at it at first and need to practice and learn. It can also be difficult to switch your locked target during a fight quickly making fighting multiple enemies very difficult. But I see this as a plus. Combat is incredibly immersive. You will suck at first in the game and in real life. But early-ish on you will be able to train with sparring partners and improve your in-game skills as well as your real life skills, this is very rewarding. Second, fighting multiple enemies is hard but again, this is immersive. It should be hard and this being reflected makes strategies like trying to take out one guy at range to fight the other alone, much more necessary.

I highly recommend this game, it's a must play to anyone who looks for a good story in the games they play. And as far as the combat, remember, your not a god your just a blacksmiths son you have to pick your battles, figure out strategies, and train.
Geplaatst 3 oktober 2022.
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2.0 uur in totaal
This game is genuinely a legend. It's hard, but a must play for anyone who likes a challenge and an amazing atmosphere.
Geplaatst 27 maart 2022.
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939.7 uur in totaal (649.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Elden Ring is genuinely one of the best RPG's ever made. If you have ever in the past considered playing Dark Souls then try this game. It's challenging but unlike dark souls it allows you to explore a beautiful but often dark and corrupted world to gain power and overcome your obstacles. The lore in this game is also top notch although different in that you discover the story in tiny cryptic bits and pieces. Every time you pick up a new item chances are that its description will shed some light on what you just picked up and what it's story is. While its fun to piece together your own understanding of the lore I highly recommend checking out VaatiVidya on you-tube for lore videos. He provides amazing cinematic videos delving into every aspect of the lore and they really bring a new level of awe to the game.

The game is not easy but with a little perseverance I can guarantee it will be among your favorite gaming experiences.
Geplaatst 26 maart 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 12 maart.
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56.0 uur in totaal (54.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I want to be able to recommend this game. It's a lot of fun to play with friends and has a good variety of weapons and vehicles that are good fun in the chaos of enemies you face. My issue with this game is that the only way to play is to take part in what called a Galactic Campaign that all players contribute too. There are 3 factions that players progressively take over and eventually beat. But once a faction has been beaten in the shared campaign, nobody can fight that faction. So most of the time, even though there are 3 factions, you will only be able to do missions against one of them. I've installed the game to find that all the factions have been defeated before. If that happens you cannot play the game until they reset in a few days. It's a shame, that one major flaw has stopped me from playing this game every time I get an itch to play it. I hope it's removed but it's not likely.
Geplaatst 22 juli 2021.
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