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𝘕𝘰𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 ✰ 25 ago 2019, ore 9:07 
🍖 ❋ 📀 ❋ 🔋 ❋ 🎫 ❋ 📗 ❋ 👑 ❋ 👔 ❋ 🏀 ❋ 👽 ❋ 🐠 ❋ 👳 ❋ 🍆 ❋ 🚘 ❋ 🎄
Mulder: You mean there's no procedure outlined for an invisible assassin?

"The X-Files: Unrequited"

Scully: And Mulder, when you see Skinner to hand in your field
report, I know that it's your decision, but I hope that
you know that I'd consider it MORE than a professional
loss if you decided to leave.

"The X-Files: The Host"
⚡ ❋ 🚗 ❋ 😺 ❋ 🌋 ❋ 💙 ❋ 🐛 ❋ 📒 ❋ 🍧 ❋ 🚙 ❋ 👹 ❋ 💄 ❋ 🐳 ❋ 🎁 ❋ 🥒
makaveli the don 24 set 2017, ore 3:54 
+rep Good Player And Good Teammate
Introvertor 24 set 2017, ore 3:46 
+rep good player...
milo sobie powspominac 23 ott 2016, ore 5:09 
+rep Guardian :)
bliudas 18 set 2016, ore 3:25 
Abrakadabra 5 lug 2016, ore 4:45 
+rep :steamhappy: