Kampfkekskrieger EXP Folk Master
To play your own game, or to play somebody else's game means the difference between sovereignity and dependency.
Listen to the Blutengel Music and Take a rest [read more]
to clarify yourself again.

Everything you have ever dreamed of
Has begun to fade to black
With nothing to lose you ask yourself:
Where to go now to get it back?

Everything you have ever lived for
Black rivers wash it all away
Send the tide on the rising waters
Save a prayer for your last day

Stormy clouds over the sea
You will never hide away from me
Pandora gave us keys for tears
But there'll be nothing left to fear

Stormy clouds over the the sea
The more that you try to resist the tide
The more it pulls you in ...before
Your lonely world collides

Like a storm that's never ending
All the shadows will survive
There were nights of endless pleasures
...in all your stolen dreams

We are like a storm that brings you heaven
Every passion and desire
Finish crying now or never
...the sea is whipping the sky

Why should you rely on your opponents game rules, if you want to win?
We make our own!

Follow the Kanes voice!

-> Dear Visitor, I welcome you to listen my river and touch its waves in the comment section
Etalase Ulasan
This is definetely the promised land after a long time of thirsty waiting for new land in the rts genre! Despite everything that you can say about the game, if you already played everything, if "you had it all but you wanted more", you will just LOVE this game!

If you understand the game, you will never have problems with the issues that some of the reviewers have. (And you will never want to drop the game anymore).

The Problem is to come to that point. Just like Wargame Red Dragon or Act of Aggression, you need to give the game a chance, it is a bit rough and also difficult to win at the beginning, but if you survive the first 30 hours learning the way this game works, the push backs that new players suffer, be it in the multiplayer, in the campaign or with things that seem boring in the first minute, become MOST excitning once you made your lesson with that.

You are not powerless. What you get stomped with at start, is what you can also give out at the game! And that makes a heck lot of fun! You feel so powerful and destroying things feels SO GOOD!
If you learned your own bandit's tools, the units you loose do not hurt you anymore, but you just give back what you receive, you dont need to take the punch and allow it to rest on you, but revenge yourself!

Somebody is spamming you with Rocket artillery? Revenge yourself!
Somebody is crushing you relentlessly? Revenge yourself!
The campaign gives you the loss 2 minutes before you win or the AI is laughing down on you, is relentlessly after you? (It really does!) - Revenge yourself!
And as you do, the game becomes great!

If you have a bit trouble with the seemingly high difficulty? 1. The difficulty vanishes, it doesn't stay (for longer, in some ten's of hours you solved the problem).
2. The boot camp gives you a soft way to learn. Much better than any Wargame or Act of Aggression.
3. If you think that the Boot camp is not enough for you, aim for the Deluxe edition, because the Tactical guide and the Battle log give you a helpful strategical discussion about ALL the maps and more important ALL the divisions, to help you further getting into multiplayer. Discovering all 18 Division can take some time. You can do it alone, and its fun, but if you want quickly into multiplayer, speed things up, TAKE the additional help to get a solid foot.

So as you understand the game, your concerns with it will proof more and more wrong, and you get rewarded with a finally fresh game after 10-15 years of not so much innovation, besides the old generals, company of heroes, and tiles that are good, but played until the end of the world, you are SO happy to finally get water again after a LONG waiting time, especially with the missing C&C games from earlier and other either missing or too narrowly considered sequels of BIG hopes of the genre.

"you had it all but you wanted more"

If you dont get enough content with this game, which is actually very solid, but you wished for so much more of that, (Campaign is a good start - but - you think that its still far from enough!) - then listen to this song ...

... because the song describes the situation. :-) It really hits for me! - So when you are lacking content, then its more probable that you get it with taking the start than taking it not, because the developers do rather listen to what the people want than they do not, with the power that they have.

The game may have some childhood illnesses (heck no!) - but if you think so, then its much less than anything else in the genre.
The multiplayer topic that people are concerned about is one that was already SOLVED in the beta! (you can play small games, but large games get disconnects... this will surely be fixed in few weeks).
If you ask me, you definetely get the promised land that you were looking for. There are just some last preparations to be made for full enjoyment.

LOOK into the music I mentioned above. It REALLY feels like the situation if you played RTS for 20 years like me and it took SO long for another island to take.
Taking the island earlier will heal more than taking it later.
I did really get some deficides the months before the game, that no other title could give me.
So, if "you have it all, but you wanted more", then this is the approach to improve the situation, if you dont take the approach, it will rather become worse.

So, go beyond the horizon and enjoy the next generation of rts, because you will miss it!
Cristal Maiden ™ 29 Jun 2024 @ 10:14am 
good skill in Dota2 :steamthumbsup: commended :steamthumbsup::SentenceSplitter::TrollSlayer:
Kampfkekskrieger EXP Folk Master 21 Jun 2023 @ 8:11am 
Nimm das bitte auf Dich weil so teuer bin ich.
von Gott zurück wird SEHR schmerzhaft! er WIRD abgeben dir ein Kind und die Lena

Das habe ich vom letzten Troll hier erhalten. 5 stück nehmen es auf sich ihr letztes Zweiglein zu verunglimpfen. würde ich ein irdisches Leben nehmen, wäre der Scherz bereits ausgedrückt in der Welt den ich opfere um genau diese diabolisten zu "bändigen" und auf der Erde zu halten. Ihr dürft schön raten.
Colonel 13 Feb 2023 @ 3:42am 
Inanias 7 Feb 2023 @ 12:56pm 
"bling" Du bist auch Teil der Geschichte, unserer wahren Deutschen Geschichte; es wird phenomal; es wird sich jetzt langsam entfalten
"we feel the thunderstorm in our souls"
Sei gespannt! Wir alle haben sowas in deinem Alter als Reaktion vernommen; aber dann doch HINTER den vorhang gelunzt...
schau dir mal seine verlinkten lieder an... du wirst staunendes erfeststellen können; ohne bewerten sogar jaja!!
Inanias 7 Feb 2023 @ 11:45am 
Die unbeachtlichkeit die Du hegst, wirst du einmal restlos erlegen sein, dass du sie gegeben hast;