Nefarian Maldoran
Michi alias Seth or Nefa   Furth, Bayern, Germany
"Das Leben ist ein Funke inmitten endloser Finsternis.
Wir klammern uns an Liebe und Hass,
Freude und Leid,
Hoffnung und Schmerz,
denn sie lassen uns spüren lebendig zu sein."
- Zitat von Belannar dem Weißen

"The life is a spark in the midst of endless darkness.
We cling to love and hatred,
Joy and grief,
Hope and pain,
they allow us to feel alive."
- Quotation from Belannar the Wise

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and a great PotterHead: Ravenclaw Year 7, Headboy (Schulsprecher) incl. CosPlay

Sedang Online
Elenir 30 Okt 2023 @ 4:35pm 
CUM'ыс 24 Des 2016 @ 7:56pm 
Merry Christmas! I want to wish you a New Year's mood, a lot of a lot of presents under the tree and happiness :3

Robin 2 Nov 2016 @ 12:20pm 
ola :3
Lucien Shepherd 1 Sep 2016 @ 1:19pm 