Octavious Wren (Dolamar)
United States
Nessuna informazione.
LoreZero 21 feb 2018, ore 23:48 
What server is the base going to be at for LiF MMO?
Thomas Octavious 20 giu 2015, ore 18:50 
Octavious Wren (Dolamar) 20 giu 2015, ore 18:41 
Sounds good will do. Ill get ahold of mak and try to work on reviving it when i can...
Thomas Octavious 20 giu 2015, ore 18:38 
A couple of guys have asked if anything was going on to revive the guild. Since the exapansion was announced. If you or Mak could promote me next time ya'll are on, I'll try to fix things up. Probably not get it running all the way again, but at least set it up so the guild hall stuff is functional if anyone returns.
Octavious Wren (Dolamar) 20 giu 2015, ore 18:04 
Hey Pulsar nice to see ya :) now we have a similar steam name... weird! Anyway I did log in not too long ago and might go back to it over my next work term (in like 3 weeks) but untill then its pretty stagnant. If anyone want to jump in and lead it i would be okay with that.
Thomas Octavious 20 giu 2015, ore 17:33 
Hey Dolamar, this is Esott, what's going to happen with Dragongaurd. The Guildwars2 guild?