Please consider the following: if i don't remember you from in game or irl i wont add you so don't try. state in the comments why you wish to add me. If you have a private or any variation of restricted profile i'm EXTREMELY unlikely to add you. i'm a dedicated engineer main of a number of years and am open to teaching new players or trivia about whatever scenarios in game. i'm not trading any items so don't try to add me for trading attempts. i'm all for free speech but being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥/toxic individual will get your comment cleared and friend connection severed.

If yer comin here to spread hate, or just bash furries or whatever group or type you got a issue with - ima just delete the comment, block yah, and call it a afternoon.

i am fond of history\Science (trains and dinosaurs).
En ligne
Collie 1 nov. à 16h02 
T'was a good time, rare to meet another furry. Take care!
1 26 avr. à 8h58 
+rep ^_^
76561199379263573 20 avr. à 6h21 
hi, added
Floatzel 24 janv. à 18h36 
whatever perv
Skeley 24 janv. à 18h14 
The man sized spider is always watching.
Floatzel 24 janv. à 17h47 
mood to the guy who i killed like once before getting auto balanced who felt the need to come to my profile and comment -rep lol