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Reseñas recientes de Arthmoor

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2,872.5 h registradas (562.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
There may still be a whole heap of bugs, and it definitely should not have come out of Early Access when it did, but the game also has a highly addictive nature to it. Especially when building bases and designing ships. Hopefully future updates will provide something to do in the gigantic galaxy - right now everything is completed in the starting solar system.

I'd highly recommend subscribing to the player made Project Eden scenario and starting your game with that.
Publicada el 27 de septiembre de 2020.
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8.8 h registradas
Glad I only paid $1 for it in a Humble Bundle because I'd have been clamoring for a refund on it otherwise.

The RPG elements are good, the game has a nice story and everything, but it's badly marred by the god awful FPS style combat system in much the same way Mass Effect 1 & 2 were ruined by it. Which isn't surprising given it's using the same engine and all.

Boss battles with major quest characters are ludicrous and put you up against impossible odds even on the easiest level of the game.

If you haven't played this yet, you're really not missing much.
Publicada el 29 de diciembre de 2016.
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29.8 h registradas
If old school RPGs are your thing, this game will bring back plenty of good memories.

They managed to capture that feeling quite well, including the ever present death around every corner and traps hidden in lots of rooms.
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2016.
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112.8 h registradas
Picked this one up on sale back in June for $10 (game + all DLC). If you're looking for blockbuster material, you won't find it here.

The story is excellent and the lore to back it up equally great. So if story driven stuff is what you're after, you should enjoy this. For me, it was the sole reason I went ahead with playing it to completion.

The main problem is the graphics and gameplay drag it down badly. I've been talking about it in passing as though it was a 2006 release because frankly it doesn't look as nice as Oblivion, then just noticed it has a 2012 date on it. OK.

Gameplay is very very MMO-ey, and as it turns out there's a reason for that. It was supposed to be one at one point but got downscaled into a single player game. So yo have lots and lots of combat action and loot grinding going on.

The two DLCs were actually much better than the main game too, though that could be because I'm partial to content that gives me castles and keeps to build and upgrade :P

Over all, worth it when it's on sale. I'd not pay the full $40 for the whole collection though.
Publicada el 8 de octubre de 2014.
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4.9 h registradas (4.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Well. I tried to like this game. I really did. Having played the original back in the 90s on a C-64 I expected to have something comparable to that. Perhaps it's being seen through rose colored glasses, perhaps not.

What we ended up with here is a shadow of the game's former self. The cities are generic, the buildings all look the same, the NPCs (if you could call the that) have no life to them. Inns, taverns, shops, smithies, you can't tell one from the other at all except for the names.

The voice acting should have been left out entirely. It's awful. It's obvious as hell that whoever was doing it isn't a native English speaker and was dry reading from a script. Yes, it's almost 2014, but not every game is well suited to lots of voice acted stuff. This one certainly isn't.

The combat system is a major deal breaker though. I know I can't possibly be doing things SO WRONG that I screwed up two different attempts to roll up and equip a party. Every fight I've been in (which has always been the party's first) ends in defeat with us missing, fumbling, being parried, or whatever. Rarely hit a damn thing even with high stats and all the equipment our meager funding could manage. Turning things over to the auto-AI is an extremely disappointing and very LONG wait for the same result - our deaths.

I hate to say it, but this is starting to become a trend with these Indie RPGs and it's now going to make me think long and hard about parting with the money I'm spending on this stuff. I took a chance on this one and got burned - it won't happen again.

(Note to Valve: This is why refunds exist in the real world! Learn something here! I'd surely love to get one at this point!)
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2013.
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1.0 h registradas
Total garbage. This game is NOT an RPG and should not be advertised as such.

Fortunately for my finances, I didn't have to pay for this tripe because if I had I'd be one angry gamer right about now. 55 minutes was all it took for me to realize this was abysmally bad and should feel abysmally bad.

Save your money for something that's actually good, like the Fallout Collection.
Publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2013.
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A 16 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
2 personas han encontrado divertida esta reseña
992.0 h registradas (464.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Easily the best RPG in the last 5 years.

Read my review for more details: http://www.iguanadons.net/The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim-460.html
Publicada el 6 de diciembre de 2011.
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