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12 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제


Get a bigger gun

Security Officer

Complete Classic Marathon

Total Security Officer

Complete Classic Marathon on Total Carnage difficulty

Slap Fight

Punch a Drinniol to death

What No Human Has Ever Seen

Visit an alien ship

More Than Famous

Read the Gheritt White terminal

Lawful Good

Complete Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap! without taking any grenade damage

No Jump Key Needed

Fly for 7 seconds

Somewhere in the Heavens...

Send a message to Earth

Control Pfhreak

Kill the Pfhor cyborg

2 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다