NewStaris aug. 23., 12:28 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship if you dont mind
76561199060220798 júl. 28., 6:40 
heey, added ;3
Jerelyn márc. 18., 3:42 
Hello! I've added you to talk about reposts!
YangEunsoo2024 2023. szept. 23., 14:42 
nice duel we want you for a video
Mombaeh 2022. dec. 5., 9:03 
Ayo, im making a tf2c custom weapons pack and i really like Silver Scope, do i have permission to use it in? and if so could you send me the files for it?
76561199231215794 2022. nov. 20., 21:23 
your tf2 items are better on TF2 Bet