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76561199176304377 Obchodování zakázáno 5. říj. 2021 v 0.11 
Hello there ! I'm really interested on buying some of your items , i have a good offer ! Can you please add me for discussion? I'll pay you for the right price :hocfairy:
Aurirn 23. srp. 2021 v 13.25 
send me a friend request, I need to talk to you
Griefer Jesus 31. kvě. 2021 v 22.27 

Literally the most useless PA i have ever seen. That's how you know that the PA is complete garbage, if he just daggers the 1st person he sees. You and your gay-arrrsse Bristleback tried to gay everyone out. You fargggghots are probably not used to people fighting back, so you were probably surprised when we just turned and killed you every single time. And when we were just running over you, you and your beach arrse bristle back decide to leave the game. Congratulations, you showed the whole server that you are flaming homosexuals. Just kill yourself beach. Suck a deek arrrssshole.

Griff the Usurper 29. dub. 2021 v 15.02 
Im here to add hate message just for you syrebral
<3 11. lis. 2020 v 17.31 
Add me Please
APTyP 4. dub. 2020 v 23.11 
In connection with the quarantine in the world, we conduct giveaways in support of players who are at home.
I congratulate your Steam id64 was chosen randomly using the random number generator.
You can get 5 Unusual items TF2 and select the desired effect.
Get it at {ODKAZ SMAZÁN}
use your code:>2xGMx#2<- (This code can only use this account)