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Cat Island President 14 mars 2020 à 6h10 
wel wel... iz dat time of de week agin. hab nice weakend, ma frendo. gud luc not getting CORONA VIRUS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA *laughs in cat immunity*
Cat Island President 4 mars 2020 à 0h47 
henlo fren, hab a nice week. dont trust dogs. dont forget to gib da fishy to sum kittehs. bai!
Cat Island President 26 févr. 2020 à 16h12 
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fired ^w^ 14 mai 2019 à 14h00 
Jeffkz1 福 6 mai 2019 à 18h03 
esse é o cara
fired ^w^ 23 avr. 2019 à 13h25 
agressão de corpo em cima de trabalho pra fazer se tranformar em cobra