VACbanned,kurva anyátokat!
Beverly Hills, California, United States
- Specimen 6 -

=Biographical information=

Physical description

->Species: Xenomorph
->Gender: Male
->Height: 8'0"

->Chronological and political information<-

Specimen Six appears to exibit an unusual amount of intelligence for a Xenomorph throughout the game, for example, managing to cut power cables and smash lights, knowing that the darkness created will conceal her from view. Another indicator of Six's above-average intelligence is shown at the start of the Alien campaign, when the Chestburster that is Specimen Six retreats back into the human and emerges through his mouth in order to escape. During Six's testing in the research lab, Dr Groves also comments that Six's tactic of hissing to lure unwary humans closer is a 'strong indicator of intelligence.' He also remarks on Six's tactics of smashing lights, asking 'a new strategem?' This shows how Specimen Six is seemingly able to plan ahead and formulate new ideas on how to escape certain situations.

Six appears to show normal behaviour for a Xenomorph, serving the Queen and only the Queen. She is, like all Xenomorphs, able to move on any surface, jump and sprint quickly, and travel through small spaces with ease. Although she exibits behaviour normal for a Xenomorph, the fact she becomes the new Queen means that Six potentially could have been a Praetorian, as this would also explain her increased intelligence.
BềjA™|és az AvAtTáR 25/ago./2011 às 3:50 
ő a leg jobb haver <:
BềjA™|és az AvAtTáR 25/ago./2011 às 3:49 
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BềjA™|és az AvAtTáR 24/ago./2011 às 4:15 
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BềjA™|és az AvAtTáR 24/ago./2011 às 4:15 
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BềjA™|és az AvAtTáR 24/ago./2011 às 4:15 
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