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Shas'el T'au Doran'ro 24 FEB 2013 a las 4:20 a. m. 
"Aur'ocy shath'r'i tskan sha Tau'va": Starting backwards "Tau'va" means 'Greater Good', "sha" means 'Wind', 'I' means someting like "Montrous beast" and 'R' means "Long", I'm not sure about the rest, but "Aur" could mean something like "long lasting period of time" or "something that lasts for a long time". You tell me what it means.
Shas'el T'au Doran'ro 23 FEB 2013 a las 12:32 p. m. 
"To divert from Tau'va is stray away from the one true path, and to stray from the one path is to walk into darkness and despair, only together, serving Tau'va can we prosper not only as an empire but as a race."
- Shas'el T'au Es'sio