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Showing 19-21 of 21 entries
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Duckman Gaming Pack (Ignore the other one)
Collection by big boy
This is the Duckman Gaming Content pack for our DarkRP server. We are cutting down the addons size from 100+ to like, just a few. If any of you want the 100+ addons its in the other pack and I can load them in as fast as loading the server.
Duckman Gaming StargateRP
Collection by big boy
Requires CAP. I couldnt include it in this because the server has the github version CAP can be found here:
Duckman Gaming Content Pack
Collection by big boy
Duckman gaming content pack. You need CAP (Due to server problems I couldn't include it in this pack) And this: Put it in garrysmod/addons Look up the CAP Collection and follow their insctructions
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