Joey   United States
I did it, I took the boots.
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Tilur 23 Aug, 2015 @ 7:06am 
Well, I see the information provided did not help, the new British and Americans have the most vehicles in the game, and the British come out in about a week. We could do some collaboration with map making if you like, I have a map making website that proved very usefull to use. I'll go ahead and delete my messages after a few weeks or so without a reply, since they would simply be taking space on your comments area.
Tilur 4 Aug, 2015 @ 6:48pm 
Did the research, took me long enough right? Any ways, most people say that a singular expansion such as the US forces can be bought, and played. You can play against any faction in the game, but are limited to custom maps, and western front expansion pack maps(8 maps). You can create maps, and mods with just a stand-alone expansion, and everyone can play the ones you make as well. As an example: I can invite you while playing as soviets, and play on vanilla eastern front maps, but you can't invite me to do the same.: Hope this helped you make a decision on what your going to do! Talk to you later. -Tylar
Xork 18 May, 2013 @ 10:11pm 
Application: Hey I'm making an application for Admin or Admin Commander, And here are some reasons I think I would make a good Admin. I've hosted many servers (On different games) and always treat people with fair play, also have been put into power postions before and have been complimented for being good at it. I also want the rank mostly for title, and I want to be able to maul myslef. I've played on this server now for about 2 days and from the first day I joined I really liked the owner therfore I made a commitment to sticking with it. If I had to say why I would be better than other staff it would be that I don't think I would be worse or better, I think everyone should be equally good. :) Name -Xar, Date: 19/05/2013
Xork 18 May, 2013 @ 10:01pm 
Application: Hey this is Doubleswee (Video here: Anyway, I think I should be promoted to Admin because of my great songs, also I'm a beautiful young women on a quest to become admin.