
Malpherian の最近のレビュー

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53件中 11-20 を表示
総プレイ時間:314.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:204.8時間)
Update As of 9/21/24:

I am changing this to Recommended, HOWEVER understand this is ONLY because MODS will fix the game and 99% of the issues. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THE UNMODED GAME!!!! It remains NOT recommended from me.


~ There is a lot more quality of life features and many quests have been added.
~ Many bugs seem to have been addressed.
~ 1 Vehicle has been added.


~ Planets still seem empty.
~ Basic Economy and Outpost Usage is still woefully sub par.

***** Adreja Relationship is still buggy AF, Concerning the "Serpents Embrace perk" While some of the diolog has been fixed, it is disjointed as hell. One moment she will recognize you as the Serpents Blessed One, The next she will tell you you are not of her belief and she worries about how the she will be separated from you when the serpent returns. ETC.

Also her story quest, is bugged for the same reason. It completely breaks all immersion with the character.

Even Varuun Fanatics recognize you as Serpent etc on occasion and in dialog. How frakin hard is it for you to fix Adreja's Dialog toward the player? I mean seriously how lazy are you Bethesda?

~~~~~ MODS will fix the game, and many of the issues listed above and below, as always.


Launch Review:

As the game is so large, I will post a comprehensive review when I am absolutely finished with my inspection of the game, However with 151 Hours in, I will state the following for now:

Bethesda, Every year it seems, becomes less and less like "Bethesda" and more and more like Bio-ware. They tell phenomenal stories, but their games are absolute $hit.

Their is literally nothing to do in the game except the main story line. What I mean to say here is that there is no "point" to doing anything. Not even crafting. As it's literally just mods for your gear essentially. Outposts, have no purpose. There is no trading, due to vendors low buying ability. No actual Market, No actual Living economy, or any other type of living environment AI wise.

The game falls behind on every single metric for a game in 2023 and beyond.

As I said a comprehensive breakdown will be forth coming with all the nitty gritty details. But for now:

~ Main Story: 9/10
~ Economy: 1/10
~ Industry: 3/10
~ Utility: 2/10
~ AI Interactivity: 4/10
~ Graphics: 7/10
~ Audio: 6/10
~ Open World Actual Viability: 3/10 (Potential is 10/10)
~ Combat: Ground - 7/10 Space: 6/10

~ Total: 5/10

2 Star Game in it's current condition, Suggested Retail 19.99$

Your paying premium Price, for a Great Main story, and nothing else, as there is literally nothing else in game worth doing and no purpose in doing anything but the main story.
投稿日 2023年10月1日. 最終更新日 2024年9月21日
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I've actually played this game a lot more then 8 hours, and I tested it in Alpha and Beta. That's just the "Steam" playtime.

This game has a love hate relationship for me. It's not a bad game, It's not a great game. It could be great, but there is a few key things the devs are missing in 2023 to give immersion to the game and keep a players attention.

I didn't recommend it, because I honestly think it's just to old fashioned, and lacks too many needed aspects for a game in 2023.

The game itself is fine. Interesting concepts, Good combat, looks pretty, great looking visuals and live action combat.


* The game isn't voiced. In 2023 this is a No go, and a Game killer. It's essentially required now to be a really successful game in this genre. Especially when it is competing with BDO (Which is now "Mostly" Voiced even though it wasn't at launch the studio had the foresight to see where the industry was going and at least attempt to voice most of it, even if it was a quick janky job.. Still voiced) among other titles in this genre.

* Not enough Class options, or rather Customization of those classes, and is missing the essential Healer type class, and while not really needed, a lot of people like to play a healer, and you can't here, in fact its just pretty much your a DPS. The monatany gets really boring, really fast.

* It doesn't do anything other games that are better aren't already doing.

I mean there is nothing Really wrong with it, other then it not being voiced. And not having enough classes and/or maybe rather, customization of those classes to choose from. Class customization is a huge thing in 2023, and this game really lacks it. So it either needs to add more, or revamp the class system entirely.
投稿日 2023年5月6日. 最終更新日 2023年5月6日
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総プレイ時間:2,166.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,301.5時間)
I would write an entire review for this, But I think it's unnecessary.

If you like creative Building (Like part by part) and crafting using engineering and actual physics with freedom in a survival setting, with destructible terrain minerals economy, npcs etc etc etc... AND Multiplayer servers.

Then you 100% Want this game.

If that's not you, then why are you even looking at it?
投稿日 2023年4月6日.
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First off the negative review is a comprehensive breakdown in comparison for various reasons. The game itself is not a bad game. Nor should you read this review and see it as negative. I am not recommending the game because the game while playable, is a janky mess which if you can get past that, is enjoyable (I couldn't hence the review).

Ranking of Games like this with Combined arms:

1. Star Citizen
2. Elite Dangerous
3. Spacebourne 2

I have played all 3 just FYI.

~ Star citizen has tons of issues yes, but as far as whats there (Play-ability wise) it is far superior and a far more enjoyable experience.

~ Elite Dangerous has it's own issues, and Spacebourne does good things Elite does not and vise versa.
* Elites Space combat is far Superior.
* Spacebournes Ground Combat is slightly better.
* Spacebourne has a far better Immersion/Interactive/grand architecture of ♥♥♥♥ you can do. Then elite Dangerous.
* Elite Dangerous, does what it does, Better then Spacebourne. (Less janky control wise and just in general function wise)

Graphics in Spacebourne are subpar to a 2023 game by a lot. The game is brand new and it's looks are dated even retro in 2023.


~Graphics: 5
~Sounds: 5
~Ground Combat and control: 7
~Space combat and Control: 6
~Dialog both written and spoken: 4 (Lots of miss translations, and some of it makes no sense, Voices do not match characters many times)

~Overarching Design and Potential: 9/10


The game is made by 1 guy apparently, and for what is here it is 100% worth the price. I am not saying do not buy it and support the dev, I am saying for what this game is, there are simply better options out there.. "Currently".

However that being said, The game does in fact have a ton of potential. And could just like No Mans Sky, become something fantastic to give the other games a serious run for their money. But at this Point, It's a Janky ... But.... Fairly Enjoyable mess if you can deal with the Jankyness. (I couldn't).
投稿日 2023年3月21日. 最終更新日 2023年3月21日
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総プレイ時間:47.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:29.0時間)
The bad review is more on what it shows about lirian as a studio with how they maintain the game and it's immersion, more then it really is about the saves.

I just used the saves as an example, I could have used many other things also, like how the game is literally empty with nothing to do besides quests and you can complete the entire game as it currently is in 5 hours.

Do not buy or play this game if you are not prepared to constantly redo hours and hours of play when you die. The Game is also ... Empty....

I can not recommend a game like this

~ It lacks a functional working Autosave feature, or rather when it has one that just stops working, even if you don;t have 15 Autosaves yet. (mine stopped on 12 and it was set for 15 Autos and 25 quicks)

~ No crafting, No Trading, Armor selection is Pitiful and well... S h It. 90% of the armor and weapons looks like garbage, I had to mod my game just to get a character that didn't look like a frakin peasant.. There are no companions for evil characters which is weird since the game encourages you to play evil.. ish....,

~ The quests seem to auto move forward and reset even without you taking actions to make them do so. Time is janky and doesn't follow an actual schedule for example, and you resting at a camp means nothing quest wise, but moving into another region exploring might fail and complete an entire quest line.

The game looks nice, and while you have quests to do, is fun, but once you run out of those the game gets empty and lackluster.
投稿日 2023年3月17日. 最終更新日 2023年3月19日
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
First off this is more of a short story.

That being said it is an excellent story and really makes you feel some sort of way. The choices, the endings, they really do matter.

I can say that out of all of the visual novels I have read, this one is one of the very very few that actually evoke some serious emotion in me. My life relates very much to many situations and choices in this story.


Personally I found myself wanting to kill Laura, then I understood her pain and why she was the heartless ♥♥♥♥♥ she was. I believe there is a path in which you can save her "soul" so to speak but the novel showcases how fear in your life will control you and turn you into a monster if you let it.

I related most with Annie, and Amanda. And both of these endings (Including Amanda and Isabel), were endings I could definitely be happy with. Annie reminds me of one of my actual real life loves who is still in my life to this day, although the situation is complicated. As it usually is with women like this. Either you get one like Annie, or one who is indecisive and can't make up her mind Unfortunately the later describes the woman in my life.


The, Translations to English could definitely use some work. But I did not have any issues understanding exactly what was going on. In fact my only complaint is the translations need more work. Specifically concerning word choice and syntax.

The Main character is a bit of a .... ♥♥♥♥♥. And not very bright at times. I think I personally if given the choice would have responded very differently to some of the situations, especially those with Laura who is essentially a warrior, and respects strength not weakness or arrogance.
投稿日 2023年1月25日. 最終更新日 2023年1月25日
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The idea of the game is great, However the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Game is exceedingly repetitive. I got bored after about 3 hours and uninstalled.

It's basically a "Robbery" Survive Zombie waves game with some objectives.

If your a Call of Duty fan you'll probably like it. But I expected something more like GTA.
投稿日 2023年1月1日.
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I found this game very repetitive, and the story was slow.

Other then that It's a zombie game that does what a zombie game should.

* Plenty of weapons
* Plenty of Sandboxy stuff to do
* Lots of zombies and cool mechanics.


Dude talking to himself all the time is really annoying. Especially since he is supposed to be this hardcore biker and most of the stuff he says made me want to literally slap my character and put his face in a curb for being a ♥♥♥♥♥, I mean... It's not even remotely funny in context.

If things like that make me laugh i'm cool with it, but this stuff was just off key and generally made me cringe rather then laugh.
投稿日 2023年1月1日. 最終更新日 2023年8月5日
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100% can not recommend enough.

Good Graphics
Amazing Story
Epic Combat system
No bugs
Runs Smooth
Easy to understand Skill system


Wish there was more character, and weapon customization.
投稿日 2023年1月1日.
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31 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
First off, the game is not bad story wise for an erotic novel. And I have not given it a negative review. I am simply Not recommending it for people looking for a "Visual Novel Game". As it is a book, not a game, and has literally no interactions as I will outline below.


- No Choices. The Novel is completely Linear. It's literally a story with images and pictures with no interaction whatsoever and no choices.

- Most of the characters all have massive tits. There is very little variety.

Pros -

* Good Artwork.
* Decent Story

Left me feeling dissatisfied with the main character. Mainly because I couldn't make any choices where their seemed to obviously be one I should be able to make. Like telling my stepmom to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥, and just choosing to do stuff with Sonia.

A visual novel like this falls flat when there are obvious situations in which the MC is supposed to make a choice in replies to conversations, but none is given, it made me feel out of control of this character I am supposed to be controlling and just along for the ride with no point in investing into it, or reading anything.

I eventually just started simply skipping to the fap scenes. because the story at that point became irrelevant and pointless and I began to get frustrated with the idiocy of the MC with no ability to change his direction or make any kind of choice at all in his development.
投稿日 2022年12月19日. 最終更新日 2022年12月20日
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