Galloping Knob Rot
Sean   Taranaki, New Zealand
PSN ID: Gallopin_KnobRot
Xbox ID: Der_Meister94

Currently Offline
Recent Activity
346 hrs on record
last played on 7 Jan
22 hrs on record
last played on 5 Jan
551 hrs on record
last played on 2 Jan
Sinuous Serena 12 Jul, 2018 @ 3:32am 
Mulder: Hey Scully, can you spare a prophylactic?

"The X-Files: Soft Light"

The one positive thing you could say about the bread products around him
was that they were probably as edible now as they were on the day they were
baked. *Forged* was a better term. Dwarf bread was made as a meal of last
resort and also as a weapon and a currency. Dwarfs were not, as far as
Vimes knew, religious in any way, but the way they thought about bread came
(The Fifth Elephant)

Remember, DESSERT is spelled with two `s's while DESERT is spelled with
one, because EVERYONE wants two desserts, but NO ONE wants two deserts.
-- Miss Oglethorp, Gr. 5, PS. 59
Slick's Three Laws of the Universe:
(1) Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.
(2) A quarter-ounce of chocolate = four pounds of fat.
(3) There are two types of dirt: the dark kind, which is
attracted to light ob